How do you handle 1RM AFTER completing STS?


I am in week 3 of Meso 3 (90% of the one rep max baby!!!!) and I am LOVING the entire program right now!! WOW!!! I can't wait to go around again!

My question is for those of you who have done multiple rounds of STS (or the SNM folks). Theoretically, I should be 5% stronger that I was when I started Meso 3. I believe I am probably a lot more that 5% stronger than I was before starting Meso1. What do I do about my 1RM when I do another round? Do I need to re-do the whole thing? Do I just go through and increase everything by 5%? What did you do? (I really don't want to do all those 1RM excercises again!)

I wish there was an automatic "upgrade" on the Workout Manager that would automatically increase the old 1RM!!!

Help! (Thanks!)

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