How do you bounce back the day the scale doesn't move?


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-10-01 AT 08:32AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi all...
I am feeling sooooooo depressed this morning! I ALWAYS look forward to Monday morning weigh-ins, especially after I know I've stayed on target all week with eating and exercising, and this morning was no exception BEFORE I stepped on the scale, so I look down at the display and it was only 1, here, let me spell it so there's no mistake! ONE flippin' pound loss since last week! HOW?????? HOW?????does that happen? I've never experienced this so far. I've come a long way, and I'm very proud of myself, I started out on April 23, 2001 at 375 lbs., and today I'm 237.5 lbs (damn scale couldn't even give me the .5!), but I've never lost just 1 (ONE) pound in a week! I'm just so frustrated, and really I could just cry because I can't imagine trying any harder than I already do, the next step would be just plain outright depriving myself! I eat very well if I say so myself, high fiber, low fat (never more than 25% daily), 100+ oz water every day without fail, and 1600 calories that I log daily to keep accurate track of my eating, and I work out 6 days/wk (a combo of cardio/strength), and yoga on the 7th day, so I'm active every day!
Can anyone give me a reason why this happens? Will the scale move again in my favor? Do I need to shake myself up somewhere? My routine, fewer calories for a few days, weeks? WHAT?
Any input is appreciated, I am just on the verge of tears here and I feel like I don't know what I should do next?
Thanks so much for listening, Donna
RE: By understanding human physiology . . .

Hi, Donna! First of all, take a deep breath, and be a little more gentle with yourself . . .

First of all, you have accomplished a tremendous amount since April 2001! By what you've posted, you've lost almost 140 pounds since 04/01. That, again, is a tremendous accomplishment, and keep in mind that as you continue your program your entire metabolism and other physical systems are going to change. In fact, that much of a weight-loss in that short a period of time might be a cause in itself of concern; slow is often the way to go when you are shooting for lasting changes.

There will always be plateaus in any fat-loss program. It's frustrating, I know, but body composition changes are not a linear thing, more a tank-and-level-off, tank-and-level-off kind of thing. Just continue logging your dietary intake AND your exercise performance, and more importantly just keep doing what you're doing, and the positive changes will continue. Perhaps not at the earlier pace, but they WILL continue.

One reason for the scale-weight not showing a tremendous drop is the probability that as you are losing unnecessary storage fat, you are also GAINING badly-needed lean muscle tissue. Thus you've done yourself a double-good, but the scale is just going to tell you you haven't "lost weight". DO NOT RELY ON THE SCALE AS YOUR PRIMARY PROGRESS INDICATOR. Rely on your performance improvements, and how your clothes fit, as well as how your energy level is.

I do know whereof I speak; I've maintained a 10-dress-size "loss" for about 10 years now, and I do not weigh myself. Period.

Just keep up the good work, Donna, and stay with us!

:) :) :)
RE: By understanding human physiology . . .

I think Annette gave you excellent advice so I don't have any to add.
I did, however, want to congratulate you on your weight loss!:)
You have accomplished a fabulous success already! I am in awe of you. It's taken me the same length of time to lose a measly 20 pounds. You are an inspiration!
Keep up your efforts. The scale WILL move again. Give yourself a hand for losing ANYTHING during the holiday season, when most Americans *gain* 5-7 pounds! Congratulations!
Please don't get discouraged. I HATE scales but I must admit that I can't walk past one without getting on. Its enough to drive a gal crazy! Everyone's weight flucuates. Don't let a number on the scale get you down. Think about all that you have accomplished. Consider this, what if you did not weigh yourself this morning? If you know that you had a great week you stuck to your food plan exercised faithfully but did not have a scale to weigh-in you would feel pretty darn good. What has changed? Just a stupid number on the scale.

Consistency is the key to results. If you keep doing what your doing you will lose the weight.

I would definitely not cut my calories your body needs the fuel to get through the workouts. Plus your body will get used to fewer calories and if you do eat more you will gain weight.

It sounds as if you are doing everything right. Enjoy the journey you'll reach your destination.
RE: By understanding human physiology . . .

Thank you both for your words of encouragement, and I know on an "intellectual level" you are absolutely right, it's that "other~but i NEED to see the numbers go down!" level that's pouting and feeling sorry for myself! And I do have to force myself to realize that at 300lbs, the weight does roll off faster when you're sweating with Cathe (if my walls could talk~thank God they can't!), and that I'm not burning the same number of calories at 237 that I was at 300lbs.
Thank you for your understanding, and I will continue the "good fight" and hang in there.
Thank you again for the support, Donna
RE: By understanding human physiology . . .

Thank you for smacking me back to reality and forcing me to recognize what is really important! My health! The fact that I can run up the stairs and NOT be out of breath! The fact that I have the strength and energy to take care of my family and home and still have it in me to hang with Cathe (and let me tell you, that was a real chore 100lbs ago!)
And yes, I do want the changes to be lasting, so I will count my blessings for the 1-lb and forge on!
Thank you for the "reality check", Donna
Thank you, and you know what, you're right! If I hadn't weighed myself this morning I would have been in a better space, knowing that I had a good week last week, even consciously turned down my favorite dessert (chocolate cheesecake), and was so proud of myself for just "saying~not now!" Maybe I'll go back to bi-weekly weigh ins, I don't think my psyche is ready yet for weekly weigh ins, just too stressful!
Thank you again for the support, Donna
RE: And another thing . . .

Hi, Donna! Annette here again . . .

I know how much tangible markers mean to a person when they are embarking on such a profound self-health process. I stand by my all-caps advice earlier NOT to use the scale as your primary means of determining progress.

What you can use in its place are performance markers. Make a graph of all of the workouts you complete on a weekly basis, and look at that! Also, remember that if you are consistent with your cardio AND strength-training programs, what used to be challenging will become easier, so BE PROGRESSIVE WITH YOUR CHALLENGES AND LOG THOSE AS WELL! Your current batch of cardio workouts getting a little "doable"? Get new and more challenging workouts. Your current strength-training weight loads starting to feel a little easier? LIFT HEAVIER WEIGHTS, AND/OR ADD REPETITIONS. Keep written, visual-friendly logs of these, and I promise you these will show you a reality far more important than the needle on the scale, which can fluctuate wildly throughout the day, week and month.

YOU GO GIRL! You're an inspiration!

:) :) :)
RE: And another thing . . .

I promise you this is what is going to happen. You may plateau for another few weeks, maybe take that time to forget the weigh- ins. Then, for no apparent reason your clothes will feel noticably looser. Its just the strangest thing, and it has happened to me everytime I am on mission to lose weight. I start off great and bang, everything comes to a grinding halt and I have done nothing different. Beyond frustrating!!!!! Anyway, I promise you it will kick in again and with a force, just keep going and forget the weigh lose , concentrate on how much healthier you feel!
RE: And another thing . . .

Thank you both for your message, and I have been lifting at the same weights for the last 6 weeks, and I will re-do my rotation upping the weight by 2-5 lbs (depending on the exercise), and regulating from there. I must have been in a zone or something, because I know Cathe even mentions on several tapes that after you figure out which weight works best for you, you have to increase that weight when it becomes too easy.
And I haven't marked physical accomplishments, I guess I forgot about those along the way. But I can look back and remember the happiest moment I had in this whole process was the day I went into single digit underwear! Hey~it may not be a big deal to some, but coming from a size 14 pair of drawers, buying those size 9's, it was all I could do not to scream "I'm wearing single digit undies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" from the top of my lungs in the Wal Mart check out line!
So I will hang in, and keep going! Thank you so much for your time and caring, Donna
RE: Look OUT......

Hey Donna!!

I just wanted to applaud you as well!! I love your "drawer" story!! You are doing just terrific and I know will continue to! We're cheering for you!!
RE: Look OUT......

Donna, you are amazing! Please don't be discouraged. Remember this: When you begin to exercise, particularly to using weights, your weight MAY GO UP! BUT this is becuase you are putting on muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat. It takes up less space. This is the good weight gain! Yes, there is such a thing! You are getting leaner. And muscle requires more calories burned by the body. Never ever use the scale as a guage for your sucess. It lies! I almsot never weigh myself any more. Used to step on the scale every day! It should take a week or so to safely lose a pound. Weigh yourself no more than once a week at the same time, usually first thing in the morning. But most important, know that you are amazing and you will reach your goals because you have the right stuff! Don't measure your sucess in pound but in how much you have accomplished. You are Fabulous!!!

B obbi
RE: Look OUT......

Thank you so much for your reply and support, and BOY DID I NEED IT TODAY (12/17). I just KNEW after last week that surely this week would be better than a 1# drop, but son-of-a-gun if I didn't step on that thing and again, 1 #! but it's okay! I'm not going to let it get me down like last week when I originally posted this message, I'm going to forge on and concentrate on the positives, like increasing my weight this morning on PS-L&A! and making it "almost" through the floorwork portion without stopping a few short of Cathe! She has my thighs SCREAMING during the outer-thigh lifts!!!!! but this morning, I only stopped 4 short!
I wish I could tune out the scale, but I swear it calls to me every Monday morning, but we will learn to co-exist the scale and I!
Thanks again for all the support, it makes a difference!
Donna! Somehow I didn't read this thread when you posted it. Otherwise I would've encouraged you to add interval training workouts to your routine sooner. You've come a long way. Your results are amazing! :-wow But you can't expect to keep losing weight at the same rate as you were when you were starting out. I still think losing 0.5-2 lbs a week is the way to go, but it sounds to me that you're in a weight loss plateau. As I told you in my email I think interval training is the way to go and I hope you checked out the excerpts of Dr. Nitti's book at My second recommendation is to stop weighing yourself weekly. I never rely on weight for anything cause you might weigh yourself and think you're very overweight, but you don't know exactly how much of that weight is fat and how much is muscle. I go by inches lost and I measure myself every 6 weeks. But if you insist on keeping track of your weight I think you should do it on a monthly basis. I hope you don't get frustrated with this just keep working hard and try to rest at least a day. Congratulations again on your results!

PS In the rotation I sent you I forgot to tell you that on Thursdays when I do Interval Max in the morning I usually do 20 mins of Pilates core conditioning in the evenings so I can cross train my abs a bit because I just do crunches 3 times a week and pilates is great for my abs.
Thank you for your email, and I plan to get Interval Max asap (hoping to get some video spending $ from Santa :)) I think it will make a difference, my cardio isn't as challenging as it use to be, so I know it's time to "shake things up!" Thanks to all for the wonderful encouragement and support!

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