How do I ricochet?


Tried StepBlast for the first time last night and I was so confused and frustrated I almost cried. Geesh. Can someone tell me how to do a ricochet? If I am looking at my step and want to go to left side, which foot goes on the step? Then which way do I turn my body? TIA for any help. Oh, and I did preview the DVD and I did rewind, a bunch. Still can't figure it out. (she said sheepishly)
If you are standing with your left side to the step, the left foot goes on the step, the you turn into the step (the right leg goes forward instead of back), then immediately after the right foot touches the floor, you spring back, reversing the move.

If you are standing with the step on your right, the right foot goes on, you turn forward with your left leg leading, touch it down, then reverse.
Kathryn described it great but I just want to say that most of us have been "there". Just keep at it and one day it will come. There are certain moves that seemed to take me forever and all of a sudden, they clicked. It is hard to do many of the steps that involve turns and over the step moves. You'll get it! Hang in there! WELCOME by the way!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
First of all WELCOME to the land of Cathe!

Second...let me tell you...stick with it. It literally took me 6 months of constant trying to get Imax 2 down. I was not a stepper at all. Completely intimidated by it. But, one day watching fit tv...decided to give it a whirl. I cried. Complete frustration! But, I am a goal setter. So...I recorded it...then I did 5 minutes a day (After my typical workout--this was NOT my workout YET!). Then after I got the footing down...I added 5 more minutes on and when I got that...I added more time and so on. Then the next thing you knew...I was completeing the video. But, all the moves were so foreign to me and awkward for me. I am a kickboxer. But, I do enjoy the variety and love the step routines NOW. I will NEVER grow bored with them because they are advanced footing. And once you get one video down can get most of her other step workouts down much easier because you know the terms associated with the moves. You won't be studying the tv so much. Don't give up. I've been Cathe-ing for 1.5 years. She is a breath of fresh air. Just keep practicing. You WILL have something to celebrate when you complete a full workout!

Yeah, the ricochet is a tricky one to learn, that's for sure! lol I was there not long ago myself but please stick with it and you WILL get it! I do not consider myself to be a very a very coordinated person and I can tend to have 2 left feet but I managed to learn it! You can too! :)

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
One day it's just going to click. It took 4 month before that reverse hop turn on the step in RS finally clicked. Not the trickiest move, but sometimes certain moves seem forever to get and than one day it just clicks. I still don't think I will ever like or get a mambo cha cha move. They drive me nuts and I can never get the beat. I always substitute a move until I get it. Don't stress. It'll come.
You are all great! I, too, struggle with some of the choreography (particularly "turning" footwork). I am finding the routines are beginning to "flow" each time I do them. Thank you for reminding us that you've been there and for encouraging us. It really helps to know I'm not alone and that with consistent practice, I'll be able to master the step combos in their entirety. Thank you for cheering us on.

~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...Embrace it...Don't fear it." -Cathe Friedrich
Even if you "flub" a step or a combo, you are moving and you are getting the workout. You're probably in your home, you're not going to collide with anyone else.

I have to modify any of the step work that is in front of the step as my platform is only 6 x 6. It's whatever works for YOU.

I agree 100%: This is not an easy tape to learn in terms of choreography, but once you do it is just so much fun. Keep at it! I was the world's biggest choreography klutz but by taking it slowly, I eventually got there. You will too ;)
Oh heck, don't let a little ricochet make you cry. Just wait til you get it--SB is so much fun! You'll love it.

And if it makes you feel any better, I still can't do a 3 count walk around the bench & turn at the same time. At this point I don't think I ever will, & I think that move is in almost every new DVD. But I just modify so I can keep up.
Thanks to all of you for the encouragement. I will keep trying :) I did Basic Step after trying to do this DVD and it was sooooo easy! Almost boring. I can see how doing the more challenging choreography is fun, but ooooh so frustrating sometimes to learn!
i am new to cathe as well...possibly newer than you, so i can relate to having trouble with some of the steps. it took me a long time to get up the nerve to try cathe, and i started out with the intensity series. needless to say, the first time i did imax2, i was laughing at myself more than i was actually doing the workout. i have been doing it for about 3 weeks now, and i am starting to get it. i still can't get interval 9, but i know it will come with continued effort...

anyway, just wanted to let you know you are not alone in this quest to conquer the ricochet...just keep a sense of humor about it and be glad no one is watching...;)
I had to do this workout several times (and rewound a lot) before I got the choreography down, so don't feel bad.

Here's another description of how to do a ricochet:

Okay, so there you are, stepping away with Step Blast, and the ricochet is coming up...what to do? Don't panic. You are facing your step and you're going to be ricocheting to your right. To ricochet to your right, your left foot goes up on your step, and your body turns to the right as you swing your right foot up behind you and over your step to the front side of it. You touch your right foot down on the front side of your step, then immediately "ricochet" (or rebound) your right foot back up and over the step to the back side where you started. To ricochet to your left, your right foot goes up on the step while your body turns to the left and your left foot swings up behind you and over the step, taps down on the front side of the step, then immediately rebounds back up and back over the step.

The sequence is v-step, hitch-kick, charleston kick, and then ricochet, correct? So, when you're leading with your left foot, the Charleston kick is: step up with the left foot, kick with the right, step down with the right foot, and step back with the left...then you lead into the ricochet by immediately pulling your left foot back up and onto the step, turn to the right, and swing that right leg back and over, then reverse it back and over again.

I hope these two descriptions can help you get the ricochet mastered. Just go through these steps slowly several times on both sides before your next attempt at Step Blast. I would even practice them with the Charleston kick. Start off slowly, then work up the speed, then when you're getting comfortable with it, throw in Step Blast and go for it!

You CAN do it! And Step Blast is so much fun once you get the footwork down!

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