What allwildgirl said. They have-ta-wanna. Long time experience here. I have always worked out. dh has almost never. Same/same---hi PB and overweight (way). I have to say, the only thing that gets him going at ALL is that he sees me doing it. Sometimes this is just the push he needs, and other times, I think he feels that it's hopeless and he will never catch up to the fitness level I may be at. I try to impress upon him (only if he brings up his feelings about it) that I do it for health and fitness, not as a competition, even with myself. It's imporatnt not to gloat/nag/push/lecture/or cajole, even. You're being a good model of fitness. You can't change other adults, I always say. It's hard when the most important person in our lives doesn't share our enthusiasm for health, isn't it?