How do I mark a workout as complete?


The instructions say to "Click the checkbox to mark a workout as completed". I did this, but it does not stay clicked. What I mean is, if I leave the page and return, it is not marked as completed.

I also tried clicking the arrow on the right to get the details, clicking the checkbox, and clicking the Save button. This did not save the checked box either.

What am I doing wrong? :(
Figured it out

Okay -- I think this is a browser-specific issue. I use the Firefox browser. I prefer its functionality, plus I've had fewer issues with viruses and Trojan horses. However, I could not log my workout while using it.

I tried logging it in on my work computer, which uses Internet Explorer, and it worked.
The instructions say to "Click the checkbox to mark a workout as completed". I did this, but it does not stay clicked. What I mean is, if I leave the page and return, it is not marked as completed.

I also tried clicking the arrow on the right to get the details, clicking the checkbox, and clicking the Save button. This did not save the checked box either.

What am I doing wrong? :(

I think were having some issues right now with marking a workout as completed, but we're working on it.
I do have to say I love the new version of the Workout Manager and how easy it is to add dvds workouts/premixes to my Calendar. As a web database engineer, I give it a big thumbs up!!

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