How did you find out about Cathe?

I had been longingly eyeing Cathe workouts (Collage Videos, Firm chat rooms) for many years and thought there was no way I could get though her advanced routines. I had been doing The Firm and Tracie Long workouts since the late 1980s but I was intimidated; this was SERIOUS fitness! Then in 2009 I was looking for a DVD I could take on vacation to maintain fitness and bought Cathe's Travel Fit and the HiiT DVD with 3 routines. WHOA! Took my fitness experience to a whole 'nuther level! I came back from that vacation and wore my credit card out on a Cathe frenzy! I donated all my Firm VHS (!) and Tracie Long DVDs to the library and have been a Cathlete ever since. :p
I found Cathe through the Video Fitness Consumer Guide after having used the Original Firm workouts. I started when she had a sale of 5 VHS Videos. Don't remember the year but have stuck with Cathe exclusively ever since.

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