How did you discover Cathe?



I was just curious how everyone discovered Cathe's wonderful workouts

I myself had never heard of her tapes until I found VF, and saw all those great reviews of her tapes!! Now I can't imagine ever having gone without her workouts...

How did you find out about her tapes?

I had heard of Cathe prior to VF - primarily through fitness magazines; however, it was the great reviews of her videos that led me consider purchasing her workouts. I had found so many of the fitness publications to favor Fonda and I have always considered Jane Fonda a fitness "lightweight."

I began with MIS because I had been using the Firm for years and MIS had such rave reviews. I purchased MIC along with MIS. Then I progressed to her step workouts and am a devoted fan now!
How I discovered Cathe

I had broken my ankle a few years ago and it took a year to heal. During that time, I gained a lot of weight and wanted to get it off! I had a few videos at home, but looked at the library for some variety and found Step Max and Mega Step Blast. They were WAY too hard for me, but they were the only videos that I found that were really challenging. After that, I ordered some of Cathe's videos, found this website, found VF, ordered more Cathe videos, ordered other videos that sounded good at VF, bought a barbell, dumbbells, weights, step company step, weight gloves, etc. - you know how that goes!! I'm sooo glad the library had those Cathe videos - I don't think I would have found Cathe or the other wonderful videos I have otherwise.
Discovering Cathe

Actually I first heard about Cathe from Collage, but they rated her videos complex and being the klutz that I am I never thought of trying her. Then at the urging of a friend (thanks Cheryl) and some from VFers I decided to try MIS and I got the step portion the first time, yes I know it's easy but for me it was a big deal..I then slowly started other tapes and now I have nearly all of them, except for Fit and Firm (I think that's what it is called). I also disagree with Collage, her routines aren't that complex when she breaks them down they are tough though :)

Cathe's Choreography

I don't find Cathe's choreography really complex either. Intensity-wise they are the most intense cardio workouts on video, but Cathe does such a great job teaching and cueing that I've never had much trouble (except for 360s). Thanks, Lorrayne, for demonstrating them to me on a Firm trip a couple of years ago!

Through VideoFitness

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-00 AT 06:58PM (EST)</font></center>

I'd never even heard of Collage, much less Cathe Friedrich, before I stumbled across Video Fitness in the summer of 1998. I was like a kid in a candy store with just one quarter to spend: I printed off every single Hall of Fame video and then spent DAYS agonizing over which two I could afford to buy.

Guess what, Power Max was one of the two! Next came MIS and MIC -- wow. Then Step Works and BodyMax. Body Max almost killed me. It was the hardest workout I had ever done in my life. I started to dislike Cathe right around the biceps work. (Funny, but it's 14 months later and I STILL dislike Cathe during the biceps work!) After a while, I reached a new stage of Cathe-addiction. If I even CONSIDERED buying a new Cathe video, I picked 3 additional Cathe's just to round out my order. Just being a smart consumer, you know? So now I own every Cathe video she's made since Step Max.

In fact, I have about 70 videos total. And I carry the Collage catalog in my briefcase, just in case I have some down time.

By the way, my favorite Cathe videos are: Pure Strength, Step Works, Step Fit and Interval Max. But there's a place in my heart for all of them. Yeaaaaaaaah! "Was that a sheep?"
Cathe's my "guru" now

I saw her videos in Collage too but thought that they were way beyond my ability. But then I discovered VF and HAD to try one. They are all I want to do anymore and have to force myself to do a tape by someone else. I guess I have more "ability" than I gave myself credit for, even though I am still "growing" with them. They are the best tapes on the market IMHO.
My discovery

I discovered Cathe about 3-4 years ago. At that time, I was exclusively doing the FIRM and wanted to do something else. A person on a mini FIRM mailing list (this mailing list was truly mini...only 2 e-mails a day or so) recommended Cathe Friedrich to me (thanks, Roberta). I bought Step Max per her recommendation. I popped the tape in the VCR and discovered it was way too difficult for me. So, I'm embarrased to admit this but I put this tape on the shelf and tried something easier (Karen Voight's Energy Sprint).

After mastering Energy Sprint on an 8" step, I undusted Step Max and gave it another go. I was able to do most of the workout until the dreaded riccochts. I kept at it and before I knew it, I was able to complete the entire workout! After that, I started to purchase additional Cathe workouts (and a STEP bench since I only had a short one).

Today, I still feel challenged doing a Cathe tape. But, those tapes still aren't the same as taking a live Cathe class. I wish we could tape some of those classes.

she's my guru too :)

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-00 AT 08:33PM (EST)</font></center>

I agree, hers really are the best videos out there. I seriously can not believe that I went so long without her workouts! I've come so far, so quickly since working out to her videos, and it still amazes me...

I enjoy other instructors as well, but I find I am 10x more motivated when doing a Cathe video than when doing something else...

It's funny, because I had known about (and ordered from) Collage for years, but I had never really noticed Cathe's tapes in them. I only wish I could have spotted them sooner!!
Another Video Fitness discovery!

Among many other wonderful videos, I discovered Cathe's at Video Fitness ( VF ). And because of the video exchange, I was able to try out Step Max at a time when finances were extremely tight.
I've now got most of Cathe's videos in my library, and even managed to addict my mom as well! But I agree with Lorrayne, nothing compares to Cathe live! I sooo wish they could have taped the workout she did for us on the October Cathe trip! Poor quality or not, that's a workout I would have kept doing forever!
Go Cathe!

I was LUCKY....

I have a friend who works in the fitness field (and is a trainer among other things). Back somewhere around 1989 when I was losing weight (the WRONG way....) and exercising with Joanie Greggans, Charlene Prickett, Margaret Richards, Jane Fonda, Kathy Smith and using the EZ Glider (psuedo cross country ski machine) and walking.... she said to me, "BOY have I got a step instructor for you...." I did Step N Motion I and II and well... the rest is history....

Ironically enough.. here it is 10 years later, I no longer smoke 2.5 packs of cigarettes, and I no longer put my step up on CINDER BLOCKS to do a step aerobic workout, and as my name suggests, I am FINALLY AT GOAL (the right way)... My how times change!!!!

I also found VF, CIA, MORE Cathe tapes, Weight Watchers and TONS of wonderful NEW friends who share my passion for exercise.... WAHhhhhhoooooooo

Collage Video

I had ordered a Collage catalog from an ad I saw in a fitness magazine because I wanted to order some advanced videos. I saw the words advanced by Cathe's name and the rest is history. I was afraid of the complex choreography for a while but now cannot believe that I let Powermax sit in my cabinet for so long. I absolutely love that tape (all of Cathe's tapes for that matter) and would have to also say that while I do other tapes for cross training and variety, Cathe is by far my fave (for the workout and the personality).

Collage for me too.

I honestly can't remember which was my first Cathe video but I can remember hunting through the Collage catalog (this had to be in the mid to early 90's) looking for a video to add a little more complex choreography to my workouts after mastering my reebok videos
...found it! I was intrigued with the discriptions and I believe at the time they were staff favorites...which has always helped me decide. I also remember finding VF shortly after getting a computer and getting online. For the first year, I only used the reviews and never went into the forums(hey,that password stuff made me nervous...and who are those people you end up talking to...they could be kooks or something!hehehe) anyway...I was thrilled that VF (cool site) thought so highly of Cathes video and rated them so well too.

Not sure if The Home Stepping video was my first or Mega Step Blast but the one that stands out in my mind (as they grew on me) was Power Max and I know this wasn't my first but this one made me a Cathe lifer! I figured if I could do Power Max I could do anything...of course this was before the humbling experience of IMAX
. Unfortunatly, I measure all videos to Cathes and it's tough to do others.

From One Kook to Another.....

Hey Nanc!

And aren't we glad that we finally DID start using those passwords and posting at the forum? (I know I sure am glad I DID!!!)

Let alone going on those ROAD TRIPS where you were meeting other people from the INTERNET... Wheh!!!!!
You know, those other fitness nuts who love it as much as you do....

Taught by the master

I first heard about Cathe years ago when I was being trained to teach aerobics. The girl that trained me,who by the way had her masters degree in athlete training,(And I bring this up only to show that she was very experienced) couldnt say enough good things about all of Cathe's tapes so I tryed them and learned so much about cueing and form. I try to incorporate her killer instinct into my classes and now years later I am the one training instructors. I always recommend Cathe's tapes to the new instructors so that they can learn the correct way to cue and for proper form. It's alot harder than it looks and she does such a great job of it.
Thanks Cathe, you are a great role model for other instructors out there.
Sorry so long winded,
Video Fitness

Like Daphne (hey, cow watcher) I had never heard of Cathe or Collage until I found VF in August of '98 which was recommended to me by someone on the WW forum. I read some reviews (all Greek to me - and who are all these people - CIA (you mean the government produces exercise videos?), Franny, Gin (isn't that alcohol?) and who is this Cathe????) I lurked on the fourm for a while - I think my first post might have been "what is Collage" - duh

But the folks at VF were so friendly and knowledgeable - I finally jumped in, bought "Step Heat" and starting posting. Wow - what a difference. The rest (I think about 60 videos, 2 barbells, a slide, weight gloves, extra dumbells.......) is history.

Oh, and meeting people from the internet on my first Cathe trip last May (are you sure that's safe? You're not going to someone's house, are you?????) - what a blast!

Great thread,

I heard(seen) all of the great things about Cathe at VF....but everytime I seen Collage catalogue it would say Complex so I was too afraid to try her workouts.....thinking I would be wasting too much time learning moves when I could be really getting a workout. So when I became pregnant I thought this would be a perfect time to learn her tapes.....So I did them on a 4 inch step with my big belly and I knew them real well by the time my little Kaylee came. Now she is 9 months old and I really love my Cathe tapes. Cathe's workouts are interesting and fun and her personality SHINES!
Video Fitness

Way back when, I can't remember how long its been. I was a serious die hard Firmie, went on the very first Firm Trip, they were the only videos I would do, especially after a bad Tony Little experience
! One day while surfing the web for information on the Firm I discovered VF and the Forum. I kept reading about the Cathe videos that everyone loved there so I finally got the nerve to order one from Collage. After agonizing over which to buy I went with Mega Step Blast because Collage had it as less complex as the others.

When the video arrived I looked at the cover and to my total amazement the Cathe that everyone loved at VF was an a woman I had seen for years in ads for a local gym! Cathe teaches just 4 miles from my house and I had no idea.

Since then I've become a die hard Cathe fan have just about all of her videos - LOVE the strength ones they have made an incredible difference in my appearance - and occassionally I actually manage to swing over to the gym she works at and take her live class.
Collage for me too!

It was a few years ago and I had two kids who were going to the gym with me about 3 times a week. They were constantly getting sick and I was SICK of them being sick so I got a Collage catalog to see if there was anything interesting in it which I could do at home.

Well, lo and behold, there was an instructor named "Cathe" (whose name I wasn't even sure how to pronounce!) and her tapes sounded so good that I decided to order Mega Step Blast. As the old saying goes, the rest is history. I now very rarely visit the gym and my kids stopped being sick all the time!

Great thread!

Bev K.
Cathe Road trip!

Don't you love the blank looks you get when you tell a non-vidiot about your Cathe trip? "You went where to do what? With people you only know via the internet?" Tee Hee! Even my mother-in-law, who already knew I was weird, but loves me anyway, had a hard time getting a handle on that one!

Gosh, who do yo think the hotel emplyees thought were stranger: the MENSA people who sat around playing scrabble all night Friday, or the VFers, who sat around and watched EXERCISE VIDEOS all night on Friday?!
Hee, hee! I'll bet they don't forget us anytime soon!


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