How can I get defintion like you

My former goal was to be as cut as possible, but my muscles would not pop out unless I drastically reduced my calories (about 1500/day) - which led to me getting dizzy and cranky all the time. I was miserable. Instead of torturing myself with unrealistic goals, I have learned to accept myself and enjoy my workouts and living a healthy lifestyle. I challenge myself to go a bit further in every workout and to try new exercises or classes at the gym.


WOW! Well said! Me,too! In college, I ran xc and was constantly obsessed with how much I was running and how little I was eating. I was that way until I had my children. I was chronically injured, tired, and depressed. Like you, I feel sooooo much better now with 5 lbs on me (I was underweight) not torturing myself working out. I love to workout now because I do not feel like I have to do it.
Personally, as a former bodybuilder...getting "cut" means a ton of cardio, a SUPER clean diet pretty low in carbs and a moderate to heavy weight routine. It also takes awhile to get really lean like this, alot of sacrifice and discipline. It is taxing to both the mind and the personal experience of course.

Tneah, this is interesting to me. Tell me more about how getting lean is taxing to the mind. I'm ready to embark on my fitness transformation (P90X and clean, lower carb diet) and your post intrigued me. What can one expect along this type of journey? Is it the daily discpline? Or problems with the lower carb ratios?

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