How are all our new babes?


I wanted to check in with all the moms who have given birth in the last year or so and see how everyone is doing.

My fourth baby was born almost 6 weeks ago and is a true delight. Ryan is holding his head up, keeping his legs straight (sometimes) when "standing" on my lap and is generally a very happy fellow. Except in the evenings! He wants to be held and/or put to the breast to suck. I work from home on the computer at night when the rest of the kids are asleep, but am not getting ANYthing done lately. I'm not complaining; I am enjoying him so much. He was a "wonderful surprise" baby and I'm so grateful to have this experience again. Our older children are loving the heck out of him, too.

I've been back doing Cathe for the past few weeks, full intensity for the past two. I've lost all my pregnancy weight but still have that stubborn 10-15 lbs that I needed to lose before I got pregnant. I'm sure the new Intensity Series will help with that - it's great fun. Embarassing note: can't do jumping jacks or any floor aerobics that involves arm movement - my bladder can't take it! Step is fine. Is there any cure for that?

I'm 38 and my goal is to be in great shape by summer. I wasn't last year or the year before that but I'm more than ready now.

Kaz, your Daniel was born just before Ryan. How is he doing? And Fitnik, how is Max? Would love to hear from all you new moms (with first or more babies) and see how you and your sweet babes are doing.

Take care!
Hi Sandi,
Great post! Ryan sounds like a beautiful baby! How old are your other children, if you don't mind my asking? I bet they are smothering him with love as well!
Oh, my - you and I sound EXACTLY alike!! I have also been back to Cathe "full throttle" the last few weeks and am loving the new IS series! It's so nice to be able to move properly again, although in some strange way, I do miss my "bump" - although my "bump" is obviously now a gorgeous little boy!! I also have problems with jumping jacks and have to make sure my bladder is COMPLETELY empty before I start or there's a river running through our living room, LOL!! Violent sneezes or coughs can also be a problem sometimes, as well!! I just keep on doing those pelvic lifts and core work - I'm sure it will all pay off at some point!! I have also lost all my my pregnancy weight (plus a couple of extra pounds), and also have another 20-28lbs I would like to lose to get me back to the weight I was when I got married 5 years ago. Depsite that, I am amazed (and quietly pleased!) at how well my body and "bits" have sprung back! Seems like those workouts whilst pregnant have really paid off!
Daniel is a really contented baby - really only cries when he is hungry or needs changing (although he is starting to do that "pretend cry" when he wants a little attention!). He is very strong and is rolling over already. He is also feeding very well (bottle - could not breastfeed, unfortunately!) and now weighs 12lbs 7.5oz at almost 7 weeks old! I think he is going to be a big boy, but as my DH and I are both 6 footers, I guess this should come as no surprise! He is smiling loads and really paying attention and recognising us now. When he smiles at me, I just melt!! Anyway, I could go on and on about him, but will give some others a chance! Lovely to "hear" from you Sandi, and that you are enjoying your gorgeous baby!
Kaz x
Hi again Kaz!

We have two daughters, ages 9 and 8, and a son age 5. He is thrilled to even out boys vs girls! All the kids just adore Ryan. There are no jealousies or anything; they just think he's so cute.

Your Daniel sounds wonderful. And so big! How big was he at birth? Ryan weighed in today at his 6 week checkup at 10 lbs 3.5 oz and 58 cm long. He was 7 lbs 5 oz at birth and went to under 7 lbs on discharge from the hospital. So he's gaining well. I'm breastfeeding and he eats often! Daniel is rolling over already? Wow! And he sounds happy, too. Ryan just started smiling the other day and has blessed us with about 3 so far (and we're counting every one and melting as well).

I know what you mean about going on and on about how precious they are. Aren't they just the most wonderful little beings? I could literally stare at him all day, except time doesn't allow. Our girls play soccer twice per week, our son plays hockey three times per week, and the girls attend Guides and Brownies as well. We are always on the run.

Take care, Kaz, and please keep in touch!

Hi, everybody. My daughter, Kimberley, turned 6 months old on February 14. I can't believe how fast it has gone!! I am still on maternity leave and will be returning to work on May 26. My husband is taking 3 months' parental leave as of last Monday; he also will return to work on May 26. So we are enjoying ourselves immensely and preparing for the return of spring! I have been doing LOTS of Cathe -- right through my pregnancy and then since September -- so my strength, muscle tone and posture are great. I also walk several times a week with my little 16-pounder strapped to me in a front carrier. Unfortunately, I still have 20 extra pounds on me! I started about 5 lbs over my best weight, gained 42 lbs with the pregnancy, and 20 lbs came off almost immediately (in the first 2 weeks), but the rest has been coming off very slowly (I've lost about 7 more in the last 2 1/2 months). Well, I'll get there. Come on, all you other moms -- you guys need to post too!
Hi Guys,
I had my little Holly Alexandra September 10 and can't believe it's been almost 6 months!! She is such a sweet, happy little doll. I'm working part time but think about her nonstop when I'm away from her.

My workouts unfortunately, haven't quite gotten on track yet. I started out pretty well - walking with a little running thrown in and an occasional video by about 4 1/2 weeks post partum, but then Holly's reflux kicked in and problems with formula (I had to start supplementing at 2weeks because she had lost weight) and life got very hectic and sleep was in short supply. Anyway, things are much easier now but the workouts haven't quite gotten back on track yet. I did get Cathe's pyramid DVD and want to get started with it soon (working up with something easier of course). I lost the 22 or so pounds I gained while pregnant really quickly but muscle tone is a completely different story! We have a beach trip planned in May so I need to get on the ball.

I'm glad everyone is doing well. Stebby, our babies are very close in age - it's hard to believe so much time has passed since we were the expectant Moms.

Take care,
Georgia was born on Sept 16th last year and is nearly six months old. I returned to teaching at about 10 weeks post partum. I'm slowly improving my fitness and have ordered some of the new Intensity series, my favorite is IMAX 2. Like Stebby, I lost a lot of weight quickly, but the last 10 or so pounds is taking forever to come off, but I am getting there. In fact I'm glad you posted about your post partum weight loss Stebby, because it heartens me that not all fitness instructors lose their weight super quick! I currently teach Bodystep, Bodypump and Legs,Tums and Buns classes.

Liz N
Baby Max... doing great! He's 4 months old tomorrow and we start solids - yeeeeahhhh! He keeps trying to sit up now and is cheeky and cute and gorgeous and I cannot imagine my life without him.

Max started sleeping through the night at 8 weeks - I followed Gina Ford's book and it worked great. Our little guy sleeps from 9.30pm till 7/7.30 - it's amazing. He also feeds very well.


Fitness wise, I'm on a roll! I get in at least 30 mins a day, even with Max. I have recently discovered stability ball workouts - ladies, I have found a new fitness toy! Ab work on a Swiss ball is awesome!

Love and hugs to you all and your little ones :)
What a great thread!

I had our first child on June 20th. Alexander will be 9 months on March 20th. Last week he started crawling, if you want to call it that. It is more of an army crawl. Where has the time went? He will be a year old before I know it. I've been back to work since August 19th. It has really made me appreciate every moment I get to spend with him at night.

So far I have lost all of my pregnancy weight, but I would still like to lose about 10 pounds more. It seems like these are the hardest to lose and the scale won't budge at all. I'm sure that time and presistence with my workouts will help me get there.
Hi Sandi! You sound like you are doing very well. Great for you! Four kids, wow, I don't think I could do it. You are a champ! Kyle will be one year old next month and he is doing very well. He is a crawling wizard and pulls himself up to furniture. It is so fun to watch all of their little developments. I video tape everything because as much as you say you will remember, it does leave you quickly. Every year on the kids birthdays we plan to watch their 1st video tape and go oohhh and ahhhh over all of the cutie patootie things they once did. We have already done this with Eric and it makes us so mushy ;-). Happy mommy hugs to all of you out there.
Thanks for asking! Ryan turned seven months old on March 15 (is that possible?). It has gone by so fast -- much faster than I remember with Lauren. His first tooth finally broke through last week, and he gave us his first wave just the other day. After being a wee bit colicky to start out with, he has emerged as the happiest little guy (thank goodness!), and is just a pure joy. Still no crawling yet, but I'm not in any big hurry for that to happen -- my life is hectic enough as it is without having two mobile children!

I am finding it a bit harder to get back in shape this time around -- I just can't seem to get rid of these last few pounds that seemed to accumulate on my hips and rear during this pregnancy. It has been a bit disheartening, but I still haven't given up hope yet. Still, I went back to teaching in early February, and that has been fun (and it gets me out of the house and gives me a break from the under-3 set). One of my gyms is downtown and doesn't have childcare, but the people at the front desk watch Ryan while I'm teaching at lunchtime and say he's a big marketing asset! :D Between teaching and my own workouts, I'm managing 5-6 workouts a week. Now if I could just get some more sleep . . .

Well, it's so good to hear about everyone's little darlings! Thanks for letting me share!
My daughter Olivia was born on September 14th - just celebrated 6 months. Where DOES the time go! I have managed to lose baby weight plus some and I know it's the breastfeeding for my cravings for all things sweet and in large amounts should make me obese! However, this same craving has resulted in a ring-worm like thing in my daughter and I have been ordered to eliminated sugar, wheat and yeast from my diet! I'm doing sugar first because I'm positive that's the culprit.

Life continues at a hectic pace. I took the ACE Personal Trainer exam in February (passed!!!), HealthyMoms homestudy exam (passed!! thanks Sheila and Sue for support and encouragement). I'm still teaching a lot and trying to work out a schedule for Olivia who is still primarily breastfed. I just want to EAT her sometimes she's sssooo cute. Of course, everyone says she looks like dad - but that o.k. as I must find him attractive if I married him and had his baby!

Miss Olivia, as she is known, is rolling over, squealing (sp?) with delight, grabbing, pulling, shrieking and much more. I find myself writing most things on post-it notes until I can set aside time to write down all her mile-stones!

I'm so glad to hear everyone is doing well. LizN, I'm taking the BodySTEP certification in July - I can't wait!

Best wishes for health and an occasional good nights sleep!


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