I am loving the pics of all the babies!!! I need to figure out how to upload here.
I am taking a little mental break for myself. Family is still here but they are taking my two older kids to the beach while I work from home and just do nothing. I am so wiped and tired. I ate soooo crappy last night that I'm ashamed! My run was in vain. I am sure I ate more in calories than I burned. Anyway, today is squeaky clean. I had cheerios and banana for bfast, grilled chix salad for lunch, fiber one bar for snack and thinking of my afternoon snack will be string cheese or some pb and banana. We'll see. Dinner will be another salad I'm thinking. Or grilled chix with asparagus. Yeah, I think that's what I'll do. Also planning another 3.2 mile run this afternoon. I am tempted to go more, but don't want to bust the ankle more. I can still feel it in my ankle when I go up or down the hills so still trying to take it easy. Planning on doing some ub weights after that. I feel like a fat, fat pig. Eugh. Sorry for being a downer. Anyway, Sunday things should be semi-normal. Nephew is here, but that's nothing. Just waiting for the rest of the family to go back home so the house can be mellow again. Oh and I'm thinking of checking out yoga and kb classes near my home next week. I'm kind of excited. Hope it's good and not some lame class. I love classes that make you sweat and work hard.
I promise to do personals tomorrow. I am so wiped. Calgon, take me away!!!