Hooked on Imax2


I fell off the fitness wagon the past few months. Lately I've started back up and have been really focusing on my Cathe DVD's for workouts. I've been really feeling the difference. I've been going through the Intensity series for starters. I was always afraid of the Imax workouts so I wouldn't do them, but lately I've been really getting into Imax2. I really modified the blasts at first, now I can get through half way through each blast before modifying. I've had this workout for years & didn't realize how much fun it can be because I was afraid to do the workout.
My fav of the IMaxs

I also really enjoy IMax 2. I think it's the music!

I love the entire Intensity series. I did Cardio & Weights yesterday and always find myself singing along to Buttercup during the last cycle.

Good job for trying a workout you were afraid of! I love Imax 2 as well. I always had to modify at first too and slowly I was able to do more and more and I remember the first time I could do the whole thing. It was such an amazing feeling! I've just been getting into working out again too and I'm sure I'll have to modify Imax 2 again unfortunately. Way to go, such a fun workout!
Terina you're going to LOVE it !!
It's one of my ( many ) favorites. I still struggle with the second to the last blast , but,,,I'm getting there too !

Have fun,,it's a good one !

LeeAnng1, I'm glad to hear you say that because I'm afraid of any IMAX workout. I plan on buying the Intensity series and I'm just gonna go for it. I agree with you all, the music is awesome and it keeps me motivated to do the workout and push myself even further.

I have a new appreciation for 80's music, I just love all the songs she has used. :eek:
I'm doing Imax 2 today for the first time!

I just ordered the whole Intensity series, and I'm doing an "Intensity Week" to get familiar with all the DVD's. Yesterday was Pyramid Upper Body, yowza my biceps are feeling it!

Edited to add: I loved it! It was tough, I had to modify the high-impact blasts -- but I love the challenge of getting better at this over time.
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This is my "go to" workout when I DONT want to work out. Why? Because when I don't want to work out, I grab my favorite. Yes, I takes me about 3 cycles to 'get into it', but when I do, I am very thankful I've done it! It's a great accomplishment when you can get through it!
Another IMAX2 fan

Initially I was intimidated by IMAX2, but I gradually worked my way up to doing all of it except the most high-impact blasts (they're rough on my knees). It's a great sense of accomplishment. I just obtained IMAX1, which is part of the Rhythmic Step DVD, and it seems less hard on my knees than IMAX2, although it is challenging and fun. I also bought IMAX3, but haven't tried it yet (there's a "dread factor" in tackling something this challenging, although I expect to be glad once I overcome the inertia and teach myself the program). I agree that it's the music that makes these programs fun.

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