honey crisp apples

I totally agree - they're the best apples ever. Unfortunately, I can't find them anywhere around (northern illinois)here this time of year.
Love 'em. Right now they are the only ones my DD will eat.

oops, I eat them. My DD will only eat Pink lady (right now, that is!)
I love them too!! I'm in central IL, I had some in the fall but they were still really expensive!! (but well worth it!)
I tried them, but not nearly tart enough for me. So far, the only apples I'll eat are granny smiths.
I just bought up all the last ones at our grocery store....for the rip-off, but o-so-worth-it price of $2.49/lb!
I've been eating them for months. I hope I can continue to eat them until the berries arrive!!! :9

I also liked the Jazz apples I discovered this year. Yummy!
I'm pregnant and sick and I read the headline "honey crisp apples" and now I have a full-bown craving that cannot be immediately satisfied:9 :-( :p .

What have you done?????

Maggie;-) (all meant in good humor)
I can't find them either. I am in MI. Would love to try them as I keep hearing people talk about them.


I have never had these, nor have I ever noticed them in the grocery store. Where are you guys located (those that can find them)? I'm wondering what region of the US they are located in....I'm definitely interested in a good apple. I usually go for gala's but lately I've not had a good one. I take it they're sweet, which is what I look for in an apple. Don't care for tart ones.

Rhonda & Reese, I'm in MI, near Lansing. They were all over the grocery stores in the fall and now I've just bought the last of them at Meijer. Our market might have them - need to go deplete their stock before someone else does. We won't get them again til the fall.

For sweet apples nothing beats a Red Delicious. It't the only kind my DDs will eat. I'm curious to try the Pink Lady and Jazz apples.
The absolute best. They are soooooooooo expensive here in MN, about a dollar an apple!! But worth every penney!!!!


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
I really like these apples too!! They were developed at the U of MN specifically for cooler growing climates. They are a fairly early harvest apple and can be found in the stores starting in mid-Sept. They are not as easy to locate as some types of apples, and if your store doesn't carry them now, they might next fall. Ask your produce manager.

The newest offering at orchards around here also from the U of MN is the Zestar! which I like even more than the honeycrisp because it is a little more tart but still crisp and crunchy! If you see these in the store next fall do not hesitate to try them!
best.apples.ever. :9

But I can't find them in the grocery store anymore. Now they're selling Piñata Apples, which are as pricey as the Honeycrisp were. Has anyone tried these? Wondering how they are...
Mmmm....I'm munching on a huge honeycrisp right now. They are scrumptious. I just wish they were a tad smaller so they weren't so much per piece. I bought 4 apples that weighed 3 lbs and they were $2.29/lb. You do the math....but, they are so good. I be sure to savor every bite.


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