Home vs Gym


I was a little bit concerned with the posts in the subject Home vs Gym. I have been working out at home with The Firm and Cathe for 4 years now. I'm happy with my results!! Yes, I would like to look like Cathe...and I guess that is what my question is. Does Cathe only do her workouts? Or does she train at the gym too. I probably would not look like Cathe whether or not I joined a gym....but it would be helpful to know how much I can actually accomplish with working out at home only.

When I use to workout at the gym (many years ago) the machines seemed easier. I may have been lifting more weight...but it was not as hard as what I have been doing with the Firm and Cathe. I'm going to be 40 this year...and I'm nervous that it's just going to get harder to stay at this weight/shape I am now. I was hoping that I'd be able to gain strength and sculpt even doing what I have been with Cathe. I'm at 50lbs for my legs...and upper body...between 12 - 20lbs. I don't know if I'd be able to life anymore than that over my head? If I know I could look like Cathe...with just working out at home...I'd have all the motivation I need.

Hi, Lanklam! IMHO, I think you can continue to make great strides in strength development with a strictly home-based program. There may come a point, in terms of strength training especially with barbell work, where you would benefit from lifting at a gym with an experienced spotter, but you do not absolutely need to do this.

Regarding your weight load for your legs, consider investing in a weight vest, so that you can increase the total weight load without having to add an unsafe (for the shoulders, a problem I share with you) amount to the barbell. All-Pro makes a great kind, with these many little pockets into which you insert 1/2-lb iron rods, and they come in 20- and 40-lb total weight loads. Also consider simply buying heavier dumbbells, and if you have hex dumbbells consider getting magnetic weight plates to incrementally increase the weight load for the upper body work.

I know machines are very popular and very effective, but I'm not a machine person, nor to I care to lift at the gym. You can do it at home!

Annette Q. Aquajock
Hi Lanklam,

I personally enjoy working out both at home and at the gym. I think they each have something to offer. The only problem I have with working out at home is not having the equipment to support some of the training that I like to do (i.e. I really like the cable row/lat pulldown for my back and when I squat heavy I like to have a rack so I'm not hauling 100+ lbs. on and off my shoulders. I would never do that BTW, it's just an example!). I'm currently looking at buying a rack system to add to my home equipment so I can solve this problem. If you don't have the space or $$ for that, a weighted vest is an excellent option.

I think you make the most progress both in functional strength and balance/coordination with free weight exercises anyway, and those are easily done at home. As long as you have the space and continue to progressively challenge yourself there's no reason to go to a gym if that's not your thing. The only other advantage I see to a gym is not having to worry about maintenance and repair issues, especially with cardio equipment, but if that's not an issue for you I say go for it at home!!


One more positive that I was just thinking about on my way upstairs from my home workout- do you have children? One of the big reasons that I'm willing to invest the money in home equipment is that for the past few months my son, who is 15, has been faithfully working out with the few pieces and free weights that I now have. Hopefully my nine year old daughter will be following in his footsteps in a few years.

I don't think we pay enough attention to the kind of examples we set for our kids (or BF,DH,SO, etc...)when we work out at home. It's one thing for them to know you go to the gym, it's quite another for them to actually see what you are doing and try to emulate you. It's been quite a bonding experience for me that I don't think many mom's get with their teenage sons.

Good point about setting that example

My 3yo (soon to be 4) tells me that I am "strong".

She sees me working out, and often tries to join in (esp the yoga). She doesn't workout for long, but I tell her that she gets a lot of exercise by all the playing she does (at 3, she DOES. All that climbinb and running and jumping all day).

But it's good for her and her baby sis to see mommy being STRONG. That's one reason I love working out at home.

I also love the gym - because it's more convenient at this point in my life, and it gives me other options (i.e. the assisted pullup machine).

I appreciate the advice!!! I was actually wondering about going heavier using dumbells. I can lift heavier dumbells by placing them on my shoulders, then I can lifting a barbell over my head on to my shoulders. By using dumbells instead of a barbell, I will be getting the same results, right? I don't really understand the difference of using one or the other. And the suggestion of a weighted vest...great. This is the first I have heard of this. I can't wait to look into it.

Yes, I do have kids, and my life is crazy. And... the idea of finding the time to get to the gym, workout, get back home, etc... lets just say....would never happen. (It has taken me over a week to find the time to read this!!!) I may in the future invest in a home system. Now that I look better than I did at 30...nothing is to high of an investment!! Thanks again.
One more consideration. I don't know about you guys, but for me, I could never get as intense a workout at a gym because of self consciousness.

I would never want other people to hear me breathe the way I do when I'm really working hard, so I'd temper my intensity.

If some day I am forced to work out only at a gym, I'd have to deal with this issue. Till then, Cathe is my workout buddy :)
The best part is that when you do get to the point of need more intensity at home, you can get it by getting yourself a nice piece of quipment, like a Bowflex. Yes its an investment, but you'll pay for it easily with the money you don't spend on the gym or trips there, or daycare, etc.

I love the Bow, combine it w/yur dumbells, barbells and videos and you'll always be sore and happy. :)

I go to the gym mainly for motivation and variety. There are some days when I know the only way I'll workout is if I have an instructor telling me what to do. I mainly go for spinning and kickboxing classes. Sometimes I use the weight machines.

The variety (or cross-training) is also important. After years of step and hi/lo done at home, I need the change to keep me sane, to prevent boredom and injuries.

The downsides of a gym are that some are really expensive these days, the weight areas can get crowded, and it can be a hassle to get there in the winter (unless you live in a non-snowy area) or when you don't feel like driving.

I don't think joining a gym will transform your body (as you realized), but depending on what you'll do at the gym, it can kick things up a knotch. You may notice a difference since you'll be doing new things though. I find, for example, spinning to be a great, tough workout.

Maybe find a place offering a trial membership.
I'm with Connie on this one too. I've tried lifting at the gym where I teach aqua and didn't last too long at it; even one more person in the room and my concentration was fragged. Plus, some of the noises that emanated from the lifters (including me) weren't all that appetizing! :)

I stand by my opinion that you can make great strides with a home gym; with a well-rounded set of dumbbells, barbell and bench you can do a ton! And of course there are gizmos like ankle weights and weight vests, PlateMates, etc.

Sounds like, from reading your description of your day and lifestyle, that you have answered your own question. Seems like home based workouts are the thing for you right now.
Remember, there's no rights and wrongs in this business, it's whatever works for you. If you would never manage to get to the gym without 6 hours of organizing everyone's schedules, then don't even think about worrying about it!

For now, you are right where you need and want to be. In a few years, re-evaluate the situation.

>I would never want other people
>to hear me breathe the
>way I do when I'm
>really working hard, so I'd
>temper my intensity.

This is sOOOOOO true! I whoop it up doing step --way more than Cathe & the gang--& I so wouldn't want others to hear me doing that. Also, when lifting heavy, I really grunt loud! Then there's the other uncontrollable body noises that happen.....but that's for another thread!

I'm ready to take the next step! http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/a_smil09.gif
I do a combination of both Cathe videos and the gym. Admittedly, I don't use my fitness videos as much as I used to since joining 24 Hour Fitness. I go to the gym mainly for the spinning classes, the pool, to run on a treadmill in foul weather, and the assisted pull-up and cable machines. Right now I'm doing back and chest at the gym because I really like using the cables; shoulders, bis, and tris with Cathe; and legs are either way depending on the day.

I find that I don't get distracted by the other folks that much because I just put on my headphones and go into my own little world. I've even started putting a mat down and dropping down to do Pilates ab exercises between sets. Talk about some noisy, funky breathing! ;-) Working out with Cathe for a few years also gives me the confidence that I have great form, so if anyone's bothering to watch (which I think rarely happens) they just see a moderately strong woman who looks like she knows what she's doing.

If I'm going to do step or kickbox, though, Cathe is the only way to go. No gym instructor can compare!

http://www.plauder-smilies.de/pyth.gif Gretchen
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-27-02 AT 10:45PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi There,

I like both working out at home and at the gym. At home I usually workout to Cathe, Karen Voight, The FIRM, Christi Taylor and Donna Read. I love workouts that give me a challenge. I also do yoga and pilates to wind down and stretch myselves out and create more overall strength and flexibility.

At the gym I usually surprise my body with different cardio workouts like taking a Spinning class, kickboxing class and a yoga or pilates mat class. I also utilize the elliptical trainers and stairclimbers. I also use the upper and lower body machines.

I feel like after a month of working out to exercise videos, I need something that will challenge me further so I don't hit a fitness plateau and surprise my muscles by working them out differently.

Marian from NY
I used to go to the gym too but found that most of the time it was for spinning. Then I'd be too tired to try the machines or to impatient to wait. Body pump was always packed too. My sister had gotten me into videos when I was in High school ( she had Jane Fonda videos!) and I had gotten my niece into FIRM's Volume 1. Cathe's workouts wipe me out all the time, it's so amazing how much she can do in so little time! I have started working out before my shifts and it just blows me away that she can give me such an awesome workout at home.
Some girls at work go to the gym and some are on weight watchers, they ask me what I do for my lower body and why I've been losing weight...I tell them to check out Cathe's tapes all the time. They don't believe home workouts could do the trick, even the Sperm Dispenser tries to make me go to the gym...why bother? I'd have to dress up and drive for that!
I do mostly gym and mix Cathe in for an awesome alternative workout.
I think it's important to have a workout partner if you go to the gym. It keeps you motivated and makes it more fun.
Trevor :) :-jumpy
Go 24!
Sperm Dispenser!! LOL!!!! You ladies kill me sometimes!! LOL!!
Trevor :) :-jumpy

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