Holiday Haters Speak Out!

Couldn't agree more. My DH and I checked out of the Christmas machine 10 years ago. We totally ignore it. I refuse to watch a television commercial.

In the market today, the short sellers used the reports of lackluster Christmas sales to drive the stocks of the retailers into the ground. Very holy, don't you think?

My favorite holiday is also Halloween.
Couldn't agree more. My DH and I checked out of the Christmas machine 10 years ago. We totally ignore it. I refuse to watch a television commercial.

In the market today, the short sellers used the reports of lackluster Christmas sales to drive the stocks of the retailers into the ground. Very holy, don't you think?

My favorite holiday is also Halloween.
This thread has been of enormous comfort to me. I was afraid, considering how good-natured and wholesome everyone is here, that I was the Lone Grinchette in the Land of SantaPhiles here in Cathe-Land.

Being deficient in "the holiday spirit" has always made me feel a little crazy, even though I've never had to complain about the crush of January bills, the loss of fitness or waistline, the lack of time, or other December woes. The holidays are always interesting for a sober alcoholic, too, what with all of the nog and the grog and champagne and so on. When you can't indulge in spirits, the "holiday spirit" takes on a whole new meaning.

Let's not even talk about the shenanigans of New Year's Eve . . .

Annette: re you comments on the "family," I'll probably start a **storm here but I couldn't agree with you more.

I think the whole "kid" thing is . . . . well, maybe I won't go there. LOL. Suffice it to say, I don't have any, don't want any, never wanted any, and don't want anything to do with anyone else's either. I think well over half the people who have kids are totally unfit to be parents. And the Christmas/kid complex is so Machiavellian, I just can't believe people buy into it.

I don't want to get people who have kids by choice and are happy with that all riled up. You have a right to do what you want. I just don't see the payback and never have.
Mogambo, you are right on! My dh and I are so tired of the Christmas hype and mall-ism. I live a half a mile from the mall and I can't even get home some times! The worse is the guilt about not giving enough. I just finished wrapping for the family and I found myself looking around for more, still afraid that they might give me more than I gave them! I can't stand it. This year I didn't want to even put a tree up, but my son told me I "had" to. A lot of people are feeling this way this year.

I just enjoy Christmas day with my family and having dinner just as I like Thanksgiving. I wish Christmas was JUST like Thanksgiving...............

Also, I'm gaining some weight from all those parties and goodies! The one good thing is looking forward to the new dvd's!!
For me it's a love hate/thing. I love all those moments when people show how beautiful they can be by reaching out to help the less fortunate and to make a difference in someones life. I hate the stress. My DH is Jewish and he hates the greed and commercialism. I have a five year-old who is so innocently delighted that it's fun to watch his joy. So I both love and hate the holidays!

And I have beautiful memories of being a kid! I am one of thirteen but my parents always made Christmas magical even though they spent the whole year paying for it. I get little glimpses of that these days and it helps to get through all the crapola that's attatched! Chick's Rule! B bbi
Caroline Knorr
What a great thread. I TOTALLY, TOTALLY agree with everything everyone said and I so appreciate the courage you all have to speak out! I am sick to death of the consumerism, the materialism, and especially the lack of spirituality. For me, it feels hypocritical to be celebrating Christmas and I have a really hard time not feeling guilty about my absence of Christmas spirit, so I really appreciate the like-mindedness of you fellow holiday haters. This is a time of loss for me (my late mother's birthday and the time of year she started chemo for pancreatic cancer, which she died of.) So, I'm not super happy. I'm spending the day at home with my son, who made a garage for his Hot Wheels out of the box the fake Christmas tree came in!

I have to say, Cathe tapes are saving me and all I'm looking forward to this Christmas is unwrapping my new "balls" so I can do the new tapes!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-24-02 AT 09:39PM (Est)[/font][p]I have a great idea. Let's give gifts whenever we find something the receiver will like. Let's be generous and kind all year round, while staying within our budgets of course. Let's get together with our families whenever we choose to and finally and most importantly, let's call off this whole stupid thing next year. If we are Christian we can celebrate Jesus any dang day we want, especially since nobody really knows when his birthday was. If we are not Christian we can celebrate something else anytime we want. I think I must be the cleverest Scroogling since ...I dunno, since they invented credit cards and shopping malls.

Nice fantasy.
It was so fun as a kid, now I get pleasure seeing the happiness on my kids faces, until my oldest (12) told me that Christmas just isn't the same as it used to be when Santa came to give gifts.

I was thinking maybe adopting a family through a church (through my husband's workplace), maybe that will bring back the spirit? There are so many that need so much. I haven't read this whole thread, so I know it's probably been mentioned, but I have become increasingly disappointed in the whole commercialism aspect of Christmas, when IMO, it's meant for an entirely different reason than what it's become, like you've said.

Everything for a quick buck. The stress can really wreak havoc at this time of year.
Hey HH, I'm with you on the mother thing. My mother died in February but her final illness and hospitalization started the week before Christmas of the prior year. It was the worst two months of my life and I'm still not over it. I was cynical about the holiday before that happened but that really put me over the top. I'll be very glad when this day is over although the commercialism is right there on the front porch right now; i.e., the gigantic chunk of "after Christmas" ads in the newspaper. It never ends.
Ok.. I probably shouldnt be posting here as I'm not a holiday hater.

Last nite we went to a lovely church service - it was so nice to see so many families (yes teenagers as well) enjoying the time together and single christmas music.

I find the little traditions are so important - decorating the thre - one present on christmas eve - 1 present before breakfast - fun clues on the gifts. TO me carrying on the traditions from generations gone by and spending time with loved ones is what it's all about!

THis was the first year my daughter has her license and actually bought me gifts all by herself - was really kinda neat.

And yes the bad thing is I did spend too much!! Well time to cook our christmas meal now!
I hate the commercialism of the holidays, etc. I'm really not into it this year and haven't been for years. I really don't want anyone forcing me into it, either.

I wish anyone who's into a great holiday, but I'm realy not feeling it this year :-(
K60 - totally agree with your comments about "family", kids (don't have em, don't want em and don't like em)and Christmas. Is it over yet!!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-26-02 AT 09:45AM (Est)[/font][p]I don't hate the holidays and I truly wish good will to all. What has happened to the holidays is what I don't like. And Robyn has something there about keeping the and traditions going.

It is rather nice, but somehow it seems that all of the traditions have been made larger than life and more perfect than they really are. I mean, how many of us have the Currier & Ives Christmas? If its not all absolutely perfect then somehow we haven't measured up. And the commercial hype tries to make us think that if we don't have the most beautiful decorations, the GREATEST gifts (and LOTS of them) then somehow we are substandard.

Well I guess those of you who are stress free have come to terms with it all and have a comfort level.

On the other hand how do you ignore it all? I mean, one of our local radio stations played NOTHING but Christmas music starting the MONDAY BEFORE THANKSGIVING!! through Christmas. (I took them off my car radio pre-set) And speaking of Christmas music....

I don't have just one Christmas song I would like to annihilate, I have several - and since when is "My Favorite Things" from The Sound of Music a Christmas song? Cuz Johnny Mathis recorded it on a Christmas album? geez.

One more rambling. I notice that ALL the holidays are getting more and more 'consumerama' in mentality. It could explain the tapering off of the Halloween spirit, for example. I mean, hanging lights on your house for halloween and doing it on October 1? Can't buy enough candy or costumes so lets sell decorations too? (and I don't mean clever home-made stuff)

Thanks for the topic, mogambo
I have to chime in because I am exhausted from all of this!! Its finally the day after. Parts of the holidays seem to be nice, then there are the argumentative relatives, the relatives who invite themselves to stay at your house for a week longer than they should, people getting drunk and gorging out on too much food. Its enough to drive anyone over the edge.

This year I decided to go to a church service to try to get back to the true meaning of Christmas and I also helped a family in need. These two things made a difference to me.

But a lot of this stuff surrounding the holidays is sheer madness-- all of the gift giving, all of the high expectations, all of those people who come out of the woodwork-- and we are not supposed to get frazzled-- hmm, sound realistic to you?
I just hate the fact that it can be such a sad time for some I went to this bar/grill in my town to pick up a gift certificate for my parents (on the 24th :)) and there were SOOO many people at the bar..alone. I think it isn't all fun and games for alot of people..

I think holding onto traditions can be cool.. My family always sees a movie, or plays a board game. But, I think that I hate all the music, and everything, ESPECIALLY since I work in the mall, and I have heard the same songs over and over since Thanksgiving!!!

This may sound weird, but I feel heavier by default during the holiday season! Isn't that strange? It seems everyone talks about eating all the fattening foods, I feel like I have as well, but..I never did!
BTW, I don't have a problem with any other holiday, just this time of year (and halloween is also my favorite holiday, along with Valentines day)
Just to be fair, I like Halloween too, letting people dress up for once, especially men who are normally not allowed much variety in how they can dress.

Valentine's is a bit smarmy, but it's ok. I guess when I started the Holiday Haters thread, it was the current season I was referring to.

And I always like time off from work, although I hate it when you're off from work so you have time for errands, but first of all, so does everyone else so it's crowded everywhere and second, things like banks and offices are closed so you can't run any friggin' errands!!

OK, I guess what I need are custom-made holidays where I don't work but everything is open and other people are still working!!

I hereby declare that my birthday is now a custom holiday. I will share though, so if any of you want to celebrate it's August 6. It's Hiroshima Day also, but I just ignore all that depressing stuff since it's my birthday and I am in no way responsible for World War 2.
Yep. I think everyone understood it was this holiday (christmas season) ..I was just pointing out other holidays that are ok. You are right though, Valentines day can be a bit...sappy and commercialized..I like halloween for some weird reason!

I like "normal" times of year, where nothing much is going on, like springtime!

Mogambo, I agree with ya. We all need a special birthday holiday!! :)
I hate when things are closed as well!

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