I'm no expert, but from personal experience, I would recommend upping the frequency of your leg workouts, and doing more endurance training rather than 'heavy' weights.
Pyramid Lower Body and Muscle endureance are great for this. The KickPunchCrunch/L&G Circuit is also GREAT.
To supplement with Cathe, you might want to pick up a copy of Billy Blanks "TaeBo Ultimate: Lower Body" and "TaeBo Ultimate: Buns". Also, "Slim Series: Firm it Up" (all three of these are unweighted leg work that will FRY your legs without adding any bulk.)
I did a 4 week Slim Series rotation with ultra clean eating (meal delivery service), and lost several inches in my legs. (enough to have to buy clothes in smaller sizes.)
One last thing...Winsor: Buns & Thighs has a lot of inner and outer thigh work...
Good luck!