hinder or help my progress?


Hi Guys,
I have read some interesting articles on allowing yourself a free day to eat whatever you want.My question is this I am 27 and very active I eat a well balanced diet Mon.-Sat. however on Sun. I splurge and eat whatever I want and as much as I want, then get right back on track on Mon.I am trying to achieve a goal of maybe a 10-15 pound weight loss(most of my friends don't think I need to lose any weight) but most important my ultimate goal is to be very fit.Is this behavior helping or hurting my progress.I would appreciatte any advise.
Thank you,
Hinder or help progress

Hi, Marisol!

Since you are eating well the rest of the week (which I presume includes plenty of fiber, 5 fruits and vegs a day, lean protein choices, and at least 6 glasses of water a day), I say go for your Sunday off! Especially at your level of fitness, I think it's good for you mentally.

Just a couple of things: If you notice you are gaining weight, you might examine what you are choosing on Sunday. Too much sugar, or high fat foods might slow down your efforts to reach your fitness goal.

Be sure you drink plenty of water on your free day, especially if your choices are salty.

If your free day starts stretching into 2 or 3 days a week, it might be best to go back to a more structured eating plan.

There may be those who disagree with me, but I think you are in control enough to handle it!

cheat day

That is exactly what my husband and I do! We
started this over a year ago when my husband
started a training contest. It is working
well for us. I think it keeps us from feeling
deprived. We don't go too crazy, but we do
enjoy ourselves on Sunday.

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