Another thing I thought about was your joint stability will change quickly too. Mine started around week 8 or 9. Little things like going down the stairs and my knees would buckle or I had more flexibility in hips which led to more instability. Be careful with that too. I have a hard time taking walks because my left foot and ankle are now so loose that the instability causes me to roll it very easily. I walked to the laundry room yesterday and my ankled swelled. Hormones do crazy things and you never know how your body will respond until you're in that situation. We're all different.
Loose joints were almost always my first sign that I was pregnant, even before I could take a test. I would fall or trip while doing step because my ankles and knees would be too wobbly, and I couldn't lift as heavy because my wrists were too loose. I would drop plates and cups because my fingers wouldn't grip right. Very clear sign to me that I had a baby on board! Funny stuff.