High Step vs Circuit Step


My athletic training dvd arrived and it looks so fun but unfortunately the little kids step shool I was going to substitute for a step is too small-I'm afraid I'll totally miss it when working out at a fast pase. Still looking on craigslist and ebay for a deal on a club step but not sure where I'd store it. I'm not interested in choreography, just using it for dvds similar to athletic training. So my question is, is the high step stable? I like that is has more risers so that I would never have to purchase any additional ones and the price is on the lower side for new steps? What about the circuit size steps, is the 11" depth big enough? Anyone with big feet use one, my shoes are size 10 and longer than 11" so I'm worried about the stability again. Any help would be appreciated, I can't wait to use my new dvd :D
Sara- I think that with your bigger feet you would feel more comfortable with either the high step or the full size step. I wear a size 9 and my circuit step is just big enough. I bought the smaller one because it fits my room. I rent a small room. Anywho, I do have a high step for doing weight training. It is actually deeper than the circuit step. It also takes normal size risers so if you buy a full size step later, your risers will work for both of them. I just tip my step platform on its side during the day and stack other stuff on top when I'm not using it.

It seems like maybe the high step is the right one for you. It won't take up as much space. I spent about 100$ on mine.
I got my high step pretty cheap from Target.com. They had the best price back then with the Redcard discount and the riser were compatiable with the other step I have (like RapidBreath). The extra risers have come in handy since I also use my step as a weight bench.

One suggestion is to maybe look at getting the Firm Fanny Lifter. I have seen those for as cheap as $5 on Craigslist.
Thanks for the tip, I have come across a TransFIRMer which looks like a Fanny Lifter but maybe wider. Does anyone have one? It seems like a good option, I don't think it's quite as large as the club step but can go high and can be on an incline, plus it is only 2 pieces to move which is nice since I don't have a dedicated workout room. It kinda looks cheap compared to the club step though and I'm unable to find a weight limit; I'm currently 230 so it worries me.
Just wanted to update I did end up finding a step, I got an unbelievable deal on the large Club Step with 8 risers :D They are making themselves at home in my living room. Now that I've been using it, I really can't imagine using a smaller step.
I think you will be glad you got the bigger step. I have a club step and the high step. I just feel more secure with the bigger step.
I had a small step and a FIRM high step. I was never satisfied with either of them. I finally got a full-sized step and a regular high step from Walmart.com. I also purchased some extra risers from my local Play It Again Sports. These have been some of my best fitness purchases, third only to my Cathe dvds and weights.

My advice to anyone: get the good stuff and don't try to "get by" with the off brand or smaller. I think there is a good chance you will regret it and just end up wasting your money.

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