>Mary Kate,
>I'd definitely (if money permits) get the high step. I used
>to workout to The Firm, until I found Cathe's workouts and
>when I initially transitioned to Cathe's workouts, I used the
>fanny lifter. I soon traded it for the high step and and I
>have no regrets. The high step, in my opinion, is sturdier
>and is adjustable in 2 inch increments that makes it more
>versatile than the 6 and 8 inch increments of the blue and
>purple sections of the fannylifter. Then I use the risers
>from the high step to add on to my original health club step
>(and vice versa)for Cathe's other workouts. (turns the
>original health club step into a weight bench with incline
>capability for weight lifting).
Ditto, that reply.