High Step Circuit Purchase?


I am another lurker who usually never posts, but I have been reading on this site for well over a year now. I purchased several of Cathe's DVD's over a year ago and started doing the Beginner Rotation. This was my step up from doing the FIRM Workouts. Even the beginner videos totally kicked my tail mostly I believe due to my smoking and lack of lung capacity and endurance. I have since quit smoking almost 10 months now and am now working my way back through the beginner rotation. I have all the videos to complete the Beginner Rotation and I also have the Body Blast Series and the New Set which includes Low Impact Circuit. I am trying to decide whether High Step Circuit would be worth my while to purchase? Body Fusion is still difficult for me, but I can complete it. How does High Step Circuit compare to Body Fusion regarding all out intensity. I have no problem with ANY of the FIRM workouts, but I believe it is due to more rests whereas Cathe's workouts are pretty solid work from start to finish. I am looking to transition from the Beginner to the Intermediate Rotation which does not include this video, but I am wondering whether I can make it through the Intermediate as is - I may have to stretch it out a little longer. Sorry this turned out so long, but all opinions will be appreciated.

LeAnn congratulations on your ability to stop smoking. Good for you!

I do recommend High Step Circuit because it is easier than High Step Training. Just keep practicing, some days with the step or without the step.LoMax is another good intermediate DVD.

Good Luck
Hi LeAnn-

First I want to congratulate you for quitting smoking!! That was a positive decision for you and it will help you with working out overall.

I have High Step Circuit (I bought the high step with the 3 high step workouts package) and I don't regret it. I think it is a good transition from The Firm to Cathe. I still use it during my recovery weeks and enjoy it. I cannot do advanced workouts all the time, so to mix it up I still use Cathe's beginner and intermediate workouts.

Have you watched the clip? May be watching the clip will also help you decide if it's something that you want to purchase.
Thanks a lot for the replies. I think that I am going to go ahead and make this one of my purchase items. I wasn't thinking about being able to do these for the long term even during recovery weeks so I think that I will be able to well get my money's worth from this work-out. I would love to purchase the new 4-Day Split, but I am trying to make myself wait because at this point it may be 2 years before I am even ready to attempt it.

Thanks again.

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