High Step Challenge


Help! Scheduled to do High Step Challenge in my rotation tomorrow. I've only done it once or twice, but just couldn't get into it. It seemed choppy and hard to follow. Convince me it's worthwhile!

I didn't care too much for HSC intially either, but it grew on me. Do it...it's worth your while for sure!!

However I LOVE Advanced High Step Training...if you don't have it already you should get it...I know you'll like it better.

The first few times I felt I was spending most of my workout getting different pieces of equipment. Now that I'm used to the flow and have positioned everything I need in a pattern that works for me I absolutely adore High Step Challenge. I enjoy the variety of exercises and am never bored doing it. I'm always drenched in sweat after this workout. I also like Hardcore Extreme 1 that incorporates this workout.

Trust me it's worth it!
Can you tell me what equipment you need and how you set it up? Maybe that will make it flow better for me.
I have the high step set up in the middle of my cardio space. (My cardio space is interlocked mats so this also works for going down to the floor). I have my dumbell weights lined up from the lightest (3 lbs) to the heaviest (20 lbs) on the right of my workout mats. I have my barbell loaded to 43 lbs. (also to the right). I have the exercise band on the left corner of my workout space so that I can grab it fast. I do all high impact on my long step so I have that leaning against the left post within easy grasp. I have enough floor space cleared in front of my cardio space so that I can do push ups. I also make sure my water bottle is in easy grasp and at a height where I don't have to bend to get it. I have the remote handy in case I have to pause to get something or just want to grab water. For most of the weights I just slide my high step to the side to make space and then slide it back when I need it again.

Hope this helps!

My response may be too late, but here goes. I did HSC for the first time in MONTHS this morning, as it's on my rotation as well! I'm not really big on the high step workouts, but they are GOOD! You don't get bored and it hits everything on your entire body! LOL It really DOES help to have all your stuff handy and ready to grab and go.

Let us know how you made out!

Okay! I did it this morning, and I've got to say that I enjoyed it more than the first couple of times I did it. I like to do a combination cardio/weight workout in my rotation on Saturday. The rest of the week I usually alternate between the two. I think I'll be using this one again. I hope it grows on me some more.

Thanks for all the input.

So glad you enjoyed it. I felt the same way about it and HSTA when I first got them but now I love them both. Then again, I love all of Cathe's workouts:)

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