High step challenge vs training

This is interesting because I think High Step Training is tougher than High Step Challenge. I think the cardio shots are harder and there are more High Step presses which I think makes it more challenging.
I have both as well but think that High Step Training is harder probably because each cycle has leg presses in them and it has caused me to dislike leg presses :)

I do them anyway but High Step Challenge doesn't have all the leg presses so I find them challenging for different reasons.

I don't think you could go wrong with either one really :)
I have them both, and as usual there are good things and bad things about each. I really like HSC. It is fun and hard. HST has an obnoxious number of leg presses in it (JMHO). That said, I really love the upper body work in HST and often use the premix as an add on when I just want to do a heavier weight upper body routine. I NEVER do the lower body in HST though because of the leg presses. The other day I did all of HSC and then added on the UB premix from HST.
I love them both. They are both very challenging.
One thing I like to do with HST is the cardio-UB premix done twice. You can go really heavy on the weights and then the cardio is very HIIT (IMHO) so your heart rate is way up there the entire time. Its a nice way to get a cardio workout at the same time as your UB workout.
So glad to hear about this premix. Does the cardio portion have the leg presses in it? I don't mind a few, but would really rather do other things too. Like I said earlier, I really like the UB part.
No, the cardio portion does NOT include the leg presses. Thats why I like the cardio-UB premix! It has a lot of plyometrics on the high step though-so still very tough.

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