High Step Challenge or High Step Training?


I'm looking to do circuits right now and was looking at these two. Which would you recommend and why? Which would I be happier with longer and gives me the most bang for my buck?


Sue <><
I agree with Clare's comment about the music. If you want fun and variety (step and floor cardio, weights and bands), HSCh is the way to go. If you want a heart-pounding sweat-fest, then HSTA.

I like HSCh much better myself. For a more intense circuit workout, I reach for BootCamp more often than HSTA. However, HSTA has a better breakdown for it's premixes than HSCh (Upper body, Lower body, etc) and I use it for add-ons. The HSCh DVD has premixes for shorter workouts, but they are still in the circuit format and don't break out the exercises by body part.

Tough call!

I did High Step Challenge on Sunday morning and my hamstrings are still tight -- even after a Stretch Max segment last night. I think its a great work out.

I can't remember the last time I did High Step Training, but in general, I think the Body Blast series and not as difficult for me to get through as some of the other series. But I love them all - in case I need a lower intensity day I know I'll still have a good solid workout.

HSTA is a lot harder to me! My heart rate actually stays above 190 for quite a while in this one. Like they said before me, they use music that they slow down or speed up and it seems kinda weird. It really doesn't bother me much. HSC is still a good workout though, the music is just better!
It's a continuing process.....
I recently bought both of these. A few minutes ago I finished the full HSC, and honestly, I can't even recall the music. (I think someone said it rocked). Maybe I was only seeing stars during the workout! LOL
For some reason, and I can't quite pinpoint it, I like HSTA better. With that said, I've only done the Cardio and Lower Body portion of HSTA.
For me, both are great fun and keepers! HSC may offer a bit more variety with the bands. (Does HSTA use bands for upper body??? I have no clue!)
I love HSC. The warm-up starts with Earth Wind & Fire and that's what gets me rocking. I really love the second cardio: Jab, Cross, Crescent. I think that move is too cute. And doing the external rotator with the band ----OH BOY, WHAT A W/O. So far I'm enjoying the entire HC Series, except IMAX 3.


After a few weeks of the Hard Cores, I did HSTA for a change this morning. Wow, I had honestly forgotten how tough a workout this is! For me, I am oblivious to the music while working that hard. Some people don't like all the leg presses is HSTA, but I love them. They do wonders for lifting the butt and getting rid of the "double cheek." Both HSC and HSTA are worth the money, IMO.
>HS Challenge because the music is waaaaaaaaaaaay better!

There's music???? Seriously, all I hear is white noise until the stretch. Actually identifying a song is impossible.

But, it's a fun workout. DH walked in while I was doing it this morning & he was bundled up in jeans & a sweatshirt while I was sweating bullets in running shorts & a mesh shirt with the ceiling fan at full throttle. He looked at me & said "this must be a tough workout".

If you want a tougher more challenging workout go for HSTA. If you are more interested in listening to the music than do HSC. I like both but HSC is less challenging IMHO. I do HSC when I want a moderately challenging workout. I think HSTA is between HSC and Bootcamp/Gauntlet interms of intensity.
I noticed that Collage Video lists HSC as Int/Adv, the level they also gave for High Step Circuit (which Cathe considers intermediate). Though Collage doesn't sell (and therefore rate) HSTA, I would say High Step Training Advanced is definately Advanced. Having done both, I agree that HSTA is much more intense. I personally love the endless leg presses on HSTA!
Haydee, that is so funny...your comment about loving all the HC's except Imax3. Imax3 is my FAVORITE!! LOL! Isn't it wild how we all differ so much in our preferences? I guess that's why Cathe does such a good job offering variety.
How is the HS used? I'm thinking of getting this workout BUT I don't want to do any step aerobics on something that high. Thanks.
Collagevideo.com has a one-minute preview of the workout that will show you a few of the aerobic portions done on High Step Challenge. You only use the platform and one or two risers for those. It's used at it's full height for tricep push-ups, step-ups (leg presses) and as a stool.

Thanks all! I ordered HSC and it should be here today! I appreciate all of the input. Besides, who am I kidding...I'll get them all eventually!

Sue <><
I viewed the preview on Cathe's website. It doesn't show her using the high step at all. Is the collage preview different? Thanks.
>Thanks all! I ordered HSC and it should be here today! I
>appreciate all of the input. Besides, who am I kidding...I'll
>get them all eventually!
>Sue <><

LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL! I have both and love both! I'm the same way...I'm sure I'll get all of Cathe's DVD' eventually. (except kick boxing stuff)

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