High Step Advanced & High Step Challenge


Are the high step advanced and the high step challenge similar to one anther? I have the high step challenge but not the advanced so I'm curious? Thanks.
I think they are similar in theory, but in practice, the more recent one (the one from Hardcore) is much more fun for me. The one that came out over a year ago doesn't have as good music and it has way too many leg presses for me. I much prefer the most recent high step workout (if only I could remember which one has which name!).

While the basic set up of the workouts is the same (short cardio segment, lower body segment, upper body segment), I find there are quite a few differenes in the workouts.

First, I think the cardio segments in High Step Advanced are more consistent than in High Step Challenge. The first, second, and fourth cardio segments are pretty intermediate, and segments three and five are off the charts as far as intensity and impact! I much prefer the cardio segments in High Step Advanced, which, like I said are more consistent with regards to intensity and impact. Most of the leg work in High Step Advanced is leg presses. In fact, I believe there are 6 sets of leg presses total. If you don't like leg press, you won't like High Step Advanced. The lower body work in High Step Challenge is much more varied. Both workouts do a great job with the upper body work, although I am partial to High Step Advanced because some of the exercises with the band in Challenge bother my shoulders. Lastly, High Step Advanced doesn't have any ab work and I believe Challenge does.

My personal preference is High Step Advanced over High Step Challenge. Both have strong points and it basically comes out to matter of preference.
Wow, great replies, thanks guys. I'm not a big fan of leg presses although I know there good for the legs. Thanks though this gives me a clearer picture of what is what. Thanks.
I like HSTA way more than HSC. I like HSC a lot, but HSTA is much more difficult (imho) and I really like the music (I believe I'm in the minority on this one).
Me three re liking the music, Jillybean and Catherine!! I like the whole of HSTA and feel thoroughly worked out when I've finished.
I like HST better than HSC. The choreography and segments flow better. I think the music is ok, too. Like RachelA, I always feel thoroughly worked out after doing it (love those leg presses!). I do think HSC is a little harder, though. But I enjoy doing HST better. I don't know what it is about HSC but the first couple of times I did it, something got out of whack (once a muscle in my upper back got strained, another time my hip flexor!) It hasn't happened since - maybe getting more familiar with it helped but I've never had that happen before with any workout.

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