High School Gym Class - An STS Story


Ah, high school gym class. Boy did that suck the big one! Fat, female, unathletic and uncoordinated. But I had a dream last night and it was a goody....

I was in gym class and it was time for the annual fitness test. It was time to test pushups. The lovely gym teacher reminded me that I did 0 last year and it was time for this year's test. I got down and did 60 without a break (wish I could REALLY do that - working on it), then stopped, and told her that was enough bc my chest was sore from STS. Funny, bc in my dream my I could feel my chest being sore, and in real life it is. The teacher was suprised I did that many, and I told her it was bc of STS. I also told her couldn't wait to do the mile run, the situps, and the chin ups. In the dream, I was also excited for her to bust out the calipers and measure body fat, so I could show her my new biceps and shoulders. But, the alarm went off before the dream got to that part.

Ah, if only STS was around 15 years ago. *sigh*

Nan - I was the same in middle school, only freakishly skinny (did not have PE in high school, thankfully, b/c I was in band). I could do NOTHING on that stupid test! I often think now, as I do the things I can do, that man, sure wish I could go back for just a bit and show up those goofballs :cool:
I was just telling my son yesterday (as I got back from a short 3 mile run) that I wish I could go back to middle school and redo all those gym tests. (He's in 6th grade.) Well, I don't *really* wish I could go back, but I wish I was interested in sports & fitness back then or that I had the strength and endurance then that I have now. I was trying to convince him to get interested in Gym class but I don't think it worked. :rolleyes:
Nan, your dream was hilarious! I hated gym class! I was the most uncoordinated kid and chunky too! :) I used to pretend I was the bionic woman and I could jump high into the rafters above the gym floor to escape the nasty gym teacher! :)

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