high reps or heavy weights?


I need some help. I had a baby almost a year ago and I have struggled to work out with any consistency. I did great while I was pregnant, doing my Cathe workouts and modifying as needed, thinking that I would bounce back into shape after my baby. I got into a really bad rut and starting eating junk and gained more weight. So now I am carrying about an extra 20 pounds from my pre-pregnancy body. I am finally back into a good work out routine. I am only 5 feet tall and I think I am endormophic in shape. Fat collects in my abdominal areas and in my inner thighs. Right now I alternating cardio and strength training. I am doing Muscle Endurance and Muscle Max, Push/Pull, Supersets, etc. on alternating days and a circuit workout once a week. For cardio days, I do Hiit either once or twice a week and some other Cathe cardio dvd on the other days. I keep reading that muscle endurance, high repitition workouts are good for expediting fat loss, but I also read that heavy weight workouts are good. So I guess my question is, which type of workout will I benefit from the most, high reps or heavy weights and is there a weekly workout plan that I should follow in order to get the best results? Thanks in advance for your feedback! P.S. I have heard good things about STS, but I cannot make that investment right now. I don't have a barbell and I live overseas and haven't found any barbell equipment that I would want to invest in.
Your focus is to lose weight and I feel that full body workouts are better for that. I would do a full body workout every other day in the morning if you can. Later that day , I would do something cardo, preferably HIIT cardio. I know it sounds like a lot, but splitting the workouts and twice a day will really amp up your endurance and strength. I would shoot for 4 to 6 times a week until you start to see results which isn't going to happen immediately. Sometimes it takes a few weeks before the body sheds fat, and not just water. Your diet will be key in all of this. Make sure you take in 24 grams of protein when you get up in the morning, whey protein with coconut milk is awesome. Stay away from refined carbs, which means sugar. Eat a honking big salad for lunch with chicken or salmon and try for as much protein as you can go for. Salmon, chicken, grass fed beef, whey protein, almonds, walnuts, etc. Stay away from alcohol, especially for about 2 hours after working out. If you can, don't have any until your metabolism picks up speed and you start to shed fat. Weigh yourself every single day at the same time. Yup...do it. After you start to see trends, such as you may gain when you lift heavy, and then lose it two days later, etc., its good to know how your body reacts. Everyone is different, so you will need to adjust as you go. Try also to record what you are eating and figure out the calorie amounts, its an eye opener. Another good item to invest in is a heart rate monitor with a calorie burn on it. It will keep you motivated and honest especially if you compare that figure to the number of calories you eat. Polar has some very good ones that aren't too expensive. Good luck!
Thank you so much for your suggestions! Its a struggle for me to get enough protein. Maybe I will try some whey protein shakes in the mornings. I have cleaned up my diet a lot, but it still needs some improvement. Are you suggesting doubling up on the cardio workouts on the non-weight days as well? Thanks!
I think you can design any workout program that works for you timewise since you have a baby and probably have some time constrictions. But what really matters most is what you eat. No way around it. You can workout hard but if you don't clean up your diet you won't get the results you want. I lost all 40 lbs of baby weight in a couple of months just watching my diet and doing yoga every day. Even my MD couldn't believe it. No weights. No cardio. Yoga 2X a day a.m & pm. I am petite like you --5 ft 2 in.
I totally agree that diet is probably the key here, however workouts will rev up your metabolism. Here's a link to a great rotation by FitnessFreak, that includes modifications to make for Endomorphs. If you dont have the particular workouts listed, I'm sure you can substitute the appropriate type based on what you have.

Good Luck!
You mentioned protein and I just wanted to say that I am a vegetarian. I ate fruits, vegies, and whole grains. I did eat yogurt just about everyday--homemade plain with fresh fruit.
Thank you so much for your suggestions! Its a struggle for me to get enough protein. Maybe I will try some whey protein shakes in the mornings. I have cleaned up my diet a lot, but it still needs some improvement. Are you suggesting doubling up on the cardio workouts on the non-weight days as well? Thanks!

I would incorporate some type of protein as your breakfast, eggs are excellent along with whey. Your body needs the amino acids and components in protein to repair (and build) when lifting weights, and morning is important since you haven't eaten in quite a while.

This is only my suggestion, and what works for me, but I've found that when I want to lose fat, I work out early in the morning and then again later in the day. It takes planning, I know...but determination wins. Plus lifting in the morning turns on the metabolism and doing cardio in the late date burns off excess calories from the day. On off days, its going to be up to you how hard you feel you want to push. Rest is very important too. You tear down muscle in the gym and build them in the bed :D.
Thanks for all the help ladies! I really appreciate it.

@ Stacy-I didn't see the link to the rotation. I am not very experienced with these forums, so maybe I just don't know where to look. Thanks.

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