High Reps/Low Weight


I am wondering if anyone has done a rotation like this and seen results. I am thinking of doing this because I am tired of lifting heavy so I thought I would give this a try. Videos I have are Margaret Richard, Cathe's ME, Power Hour. I would incorporate about 30 minutes of cardio 3-5 times a week.

Just bumping. I'm curious about this, too. I prefer heavy weight work and feel I'm wasting my time going lighter, but I've been hearing otherwise lately, and I'm curious. If this type of work IS beneficial, could someone explain why. That way I won't feel I'm wasting my time. What does light weight/high reps do for you?

High reps and low weight builds endurance and keeps the muscles from bulking up. If you don't do a combo then you tend to get bulky, the low weight/high reps keeps this from happening. It is the key to why Cathe doesn't look like a hard core female body builder but looks like a woman with nicely shaped visible muscles that look well defined and proportionate.

Hope that helps some!

:D :)
I guess I really AM doing a combination, as I use all of Cathe's strength tapes, and I try to use the weights Cathe uses, or a little higher, if possible (rarely, so far). Truthfully, though, the weight isn't that much heavier in, say, S&H than it is in her endurance workouts, is it? Maybe I'm just not paying attention???

What I'm wondering about are those workouts that use nothing heavier than 8 and 10 pound weights for upper body and no weights, for the most part, for lower body. Are they effective?

Thought you migth find the below a fun read and i hope you take up the advice.


Should Women train like men? Hell Yeah!

"Deadlifts? No, no. That's a man's exercise; we don’t want to hurt ourselves now do we? You better stick to this here butt blaster instead. Don't go too heavy now; that'll just make you big and bulky like those female bodybuilders. If you want to ‘tone up,’ you need to go for the ‘burn’ with high reps and just a little bit of weight. Okay, now over to the hip adductor machine. This one is great for targeting and toning up those inner thighs."

And as if the abundance of misinformation spouted out by the average lay person regarding women and weight training isn't enough, these words actually came from the mouth of a "certified" personal trainer. A man's exercise? What the heck is that? Are women so incompetent and weak that they can't manage to conduct exercises with barbells and dumbbells or something? Higher reps to tone up? Big and bulky? Man, I wanted to clock this guy; however, instead of "laying the smack down" on his misinformed butt, I decided to write this article instead. Let's take a look at how a woman should train and at the same time dispel some of the common misconceptions regarding female trainees:

1. If you want to be lean, sexy, and hard, you should train with weights.

A desirable female physique is one that can only be achieved by moving some serious iron in the weight room! But what about all the talk about weight training making women big and bulky? First, it is physiologically impossible for you as a woman to put on large amounts of muscle mass; you're body's hormonal makeup is not one that will allow you to do so. God never intended for women to look like men (go figure), so he made the chemistry of each gender's respective bodies different. Regardless of how you train, how often you train, how much protein you eat, etc, you're not going to even come close to the big, bulky physique of a female bodybuilder. It will not happen. That look is only obtainable by one means: steroids. Because their natural hormonal profiles would never allow them to get that "big," they resort to changing their body's chemistry through the use of illegal drugs. Secondly, if the right training method is chosen, the hypertrophic (growth) response to resistance training can be even further reduced. This brings us to our next point.

2. If you want to be lean, sexy, and hard, you should train HEAVY.

Yeah, I know what they told you, lighten the load and go for the burn-- hogwash. To comprehend why this is indeed nonsense, we have to understand a few things about muscle tone in general. There are two types of muscle tone; myogenic and neurogenic. Don’t get thrown off by the sciency words; the first simply refers to your muscle tone at rest. It is affected by the density of your muscles; the greater the density of your muscles, the harder and firmer you will appear. Heavy training increases your myogenic tone through the hypertrophy (growth) of the contractile proteins myosin and actin . Training in higher rep ranges promotes more sarcoplasmic (fluid) hypertrophy, which in turn yields a "softer" pumped look. If you want to be hard, firm, tight, etc, the latter is certainly not the way to go. The second aspect of a muscles' tone is neurogenic tone, or the tone that is expressed when movements or contractions occur. Again, lower rep training comes out on top as training with heavy loads will increase the sensitivity of alpha and gamma motor neurons, thus increasing neurogenic tone when conducting even the simplest of movements (i.e. walking, extending your arm to point, etc). Finally, as alluded to in point number one, training with heavy loads and low volume (sets x reps) is the best way to get hard and strong, but not big. Muscular hypertrophy is generally a response to a high volume work output; therefore, by keeping the sets and reps low with heavy training, you wont have to fear getting overly big (this really isn't even an issue due to the physiological reasons mentioned earlier). Why then is it commonly recommended that women train with lighter loads? Well, there are a couple reasons. First, there is the typical stereotype that women are weak, fragile creatures who can't handle anything more than pushups on their knees and bicep curls with pink dumbbells. Try telling that to 123 lb Mary Jeffrey who bench presses a world record 275 lbs and you'll likely get smacked upside the head with a 45 lb plate. Give me a break. Secondly, the belief that high-rep training increases muscle tone is 100% myth. Strength training guru and Muscle Media contributor Pavel Tsatsouline explains this quite nicely, "Your muscle fibers are like mouse traps—they go off by themselves, but need energy to be reset to contract again. A dead body is out of ATP, the energy compound that relaxes the muscles…A high rep workout exhausts ATP in your muscle and leads to temporary hardness…The only way to make such 'tone' last is by killing yourself." Hmmm, sounds like fun to me. Pavel goes on to note, "You better get on a first name basis with heavy dead[lift]s if you are after a hard butt!" This brings us to our third and final point.

3. If you want to be lean, sexy, and hard, you should train with compound, multi-joint movements.

Forget the butt blaster, forget leg extensions and leg curls, and forget "muscle sculpting" with Susie the hyperactive personal trainer. As stated in point number two, if you want to sport a hard body, you better start training heavy. Big, compound movements such as the deadlift and the squat are superior to machine, isolation-type movements for hardening up your thighs and butt as they allow you to use maximal weight while training a number of muscle groups simultaneously. Another benefit obtained by performing multi-joint compound movements is increased confidence. With strength comes confidence. Also, there is nothing like claiming your ground in the gym by loading up the squat bar and proceeding to execute a few heavy, crisp repetitions. After all, 90% percent of the guys in your gym probably don't squat, and those of them that do most likely resort to using the smith machine and/or doing partial repetitions. Know why? Because free squatting with a full range of motion is hard. It takes will power to get under that bar week after week and squat all the way down. Simply put, most people fear the squat and the deadlift (along with anything else challenging in life). So, after that macho guy gets done barbell curling in the squat rack, throw the bar up on the J-hooks where it belongs and show 'em what kind of woman you are!
So, than what would be the benefits of doing a workout such as Powerhour or ME?? If we are looking to tone, are we wasting our time doing these types of workouts?

To clarify, endurance tapes do tone and sculpt the body so no you are not wasting your time doing them. You just aren't adding bulk simply sculpting and toning your muscles into a nice shape. Heavy lifting will build them up and endurance shapes them.
Well said Annette. Also, your body gets used to one mode of lifting and it is always a good thing to surprise/shock it with a different method.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I have lifted weights for about 7 years now. I always lifted heavy and lower reps because I've read that ectos have better success lifting heavy. Don't get me wrong - I built up a nice base of muscle that was genetically possible, but when I tried a rotation with light weights and high reps, I really started to see a lot of definition in my legs and arms. More so than when I was lifting heavy. Maybe it was because it was such a change of pace from my regular workouts. I'm just glad I tried it because I always used to shun low weight and high reps. I really thought it was a waste of time. But you can make a workout very intense by doing lots of reps. Mainly, I used the Slim Series for about 4 weeks. I made the most progress in losing inches from my waist and inner thighs - my two problem areas. At the time, I did not change my diet whatsoever so the results were from the workouts. So you may want to try it out. If you don't like the results, you can always go back to your other routine.
I traded for the Slim Series and should be getting them on Monday. Did you do just the Slim Series or did you add extra cardio?
The first two weeks I only did the Slim Series. The second two weeks I added cardio. For cardio, I used Cathe step tapes like C&W (cardio portion only) or 5 intervals from Imax2. Some days I would do a longer tape. I don't think you would need the extra cardio, but I like the high I get from cardio and I had the time, so I added it in my rotation.

Have fun with the Slim Series. I was so used to lifting heavier that high reps really kicked my butt. I love the floorwork in the Slim Series. It is awesome!
I disagree with the article where it states to forego leg extensions and curls. To get a cut look in the quad you need extensions in my view. It gives you a squeeze and helps give "separation" in the quad muscle. Leg curls and extensions are both auxilliary exercises and I use them in addition to squats and presses.
That article seems to target bodybuilders in a way. These articles always get macho in some way and I like it at the end where they basically recommend getting into a pissing contest in the gym. That makes me laugh!
There's nothing wrong with smith machine squats. Free squats require a spotter which I don't have and don't have time to have. I'm a busy man and don't need to be switching off with a partner. The Smith rack does restrict side to side movement and some balancers I guess but hey, I am in trouble big time if I am leaning side to side during a squat. So I just use the rack.
Also the terms "heavy" and "big muscled" are relative terms. People need to find their own definitions of these. What might be big or heavy for a 4 foot 8 98 pound woman might not be the case on a 5 foot 10 150 pound girl.
Thanks for the read Wayne!
Trevor :)
Boy if HERS is trying to get me to lift heavy they shouldnt be showing me that picture of those women in that article above! When I was lifting heavy my quads looked like that and none of my clothes fit! Also, are they saying in that article that Marian Jones doesn't do any cardio? I know for a fact she does LOTS of cardio and weight training as well.

Since doing Slim Series and focusing on other high rep/low wt workouts I have seen great results in definition and lost a lot of the bigness I had gotten from lifting heavy. For my bodytype lifting heavy made me BIG.
Thanks for all the replies, this is very helpful. I was thinking about investing in the Slim Series but am afraid to order from Beach Body considering all the problems people are having. Does anyone know where I could get the Slim Series and have it delivered in a reasonable amount of time?

Do both. I alternate between heavy and hi/rep since the body is adaptive and variety is the spice of life. It will help prevent plateaus and keep you from getting bored if you mix things up. I favor less cardio when dong heavy so I can lay down muscle and more cardio when hi rep so Ican burn more fat. I have seen great results too!
http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/user.gif Bobbi
I did not have any problems ordering from Beach Body. I ordered online. I think people are having problems if they choose to use the intallment payment option. I could be wrong though. I don't visit the forums often enough to know what is going on with that situation.

I used my credit card and got 2 day shipping. I ordered when they werre having a special. I got them when they were promised and I haven't had any suspicious charges on my card.

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