high intensity step routine without power moves?


Active Member
hi cathe and educated crowd,

i love my cathe workouts and i use her stuff almost exclusively now. i just have a question though: is there a cathe workout that fits the following criteria?
minimal # of power moves
moderate to high intensity but at a steady state (ie, no intervals)
35-45 minutes cardio
not TOO dancy

i already have cmax, kpc, bmax, CTX series, IMAX 2 and C&Wts as well as several strength training dvds by cathe.
i just want a workout that doesnt kill my joints but that is still intense....maybe like the first part of all step before she does the power moves or the first part of step and intervals, before the intervals. i do these and do modifications when i want an easier day, but i would really like a workout where i dont have to modify and can just follow along. i really enjoy high intensity and power moves but would like a workout that is a little easier on the body for certain days. if there isnt one, what do you guys do when you need a break for the pounding but still want a great workout?

would rhymthmic step be an option here? i dont think MIC or IMAX 1 would be bc of the high impact. what about the high step training or basic step? is the basic step as is, too easy though? i am an advanced exerciser. any help would be greatly appreciated.

You might try the Classics. You can get this with Step Max, Step Jam, and Step Heat but just not do any jumping. She does have some power moves but it's easy enough not to do them. Also, Cathe does these on an 8" step instead of 6" so they are more intense that way and they are more athletic and less dancey. There are no intervals and it is steady state. The modifications you would make would be minimal. Check out the clips of these. Rhythmic Step is another good one but there is more choreography to it.

I would consider Rhythmic Step one that isn't too intense with power moves. This one burns the most calories for me (as well as SJ&P) but the power moves are minimal. The IMAX's are totally out, they are all high intensity moves.
Debbie in OH
I second the recommendation for the classics. They are the only Cathe step tapes, besides her circuit workouts, that I still have because of the impact and torque issues.

Also, did you see that there will be a low impact step workout in the new series called "Low Max"? It also seems to fit your criteria.

Basic step may be a bit too easy for you, and too short. And the AHST workout has quite a few high impact "fast feet" moves with the high step.
thanks for your advice. i think i'll check out rhythmic step.

also, what makes SJ&P such a good workout in terms of calories burned? it seemed to have slipped under my radar as i have never considered it......what other cathe workouts is it comparable to? is there a lot of power 15s and 7s?
Step Jump & Pump is in a class all by itself. It is high impact in places. You do a step workout, I think its about 20 minutes and then she does a hi/lo segments without the step. You do a hi/lo segment then go right into weight cycle (kind of like Cardio & Weights if you have that workout), the you do another hi/lo segment then right into a weight cycle and so on. This goes on for four hi/lo segments. The 4th hi/lo segment is lo, its a great cool down or at least thats what I use it for. Very fun workout. The other workout that comes with it on the DVD is Step Blast and this is my most favorite step workout from Cathe. It is so fun and I really enjoy seeing it on my rotation. It has high impact moves, however, and three blast segments at the end. But it is just so much fun!

Hope this helps!
Debbie in OH

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