
Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anyone has high cholesterol? My cholesterol is VERY high between 275-321, and I eat clean workout 6 days per week. I am 30 years old and refuse to start medication. The good side is that my good cholesterol is very high also, Anyway I was told that omega vitamins help lower cholesterol. Is anyone familiar with these findings. thanks
High cholesterol is 80% hereditary 20% lifestyle. If you're doing everything right it may be wise to start a medication. I'm by no means a doctor but from many health related courses I've taken, and personal experiences w/ family, friends, etc, it's nothing to mess around with. I'd talk with your doctor some more. Some of the nurses on this board probably can be more specific about this topic. Sorry if I sound preachy...
For an alternative viewpoint to medication check out this link. Dr. Mercola's website has incredibly informative, provocative, and well-documented information. You will find info on omega supplements here as well. Unfortunately, he is also always trying to sell his products (but they are very good quality).


I am 47 and take Lipitor for high cholesterol (genetic - exercise and diet had no effect). Lipitor cut my total cholesterol from 240 to 117, and my CRP was halved from 0.6 to 0.3. I've been taking it for 1-1/2 years now with no side effects, although I do supplement with CoQ10 just to be safe.

I also take pharmaceutical grade (no contaminants) fish oil (Omega 3). A great effect of the fish oil is that it has totally eliminated my dry skin. I used to get very dry and cracked skin on my hands in the winter, not any more! My son no longer has embarrassing (to him) alligator skin on his elbows since he's been taking fish oil also. The fish oil had no effect on my cholesterol levels before I went on Lipitor.

Hello. I am one of those who HAD to go on medication. My problem is primarily hereditary (my dad had open heart surgery when he was 38, etc.). I tried supplements, very intense exercise, diet modifications, etc. Anyway, this is just my situation, but I wanted to let you know that you are not alone. Medication helped lower my cholesterol by 100 points when nothing else seemed to work. Good luck!
Hi Mary,

I am a research coordinator in preventive cardiology, and my specialty is in cholesterol. I am very curious as to what your HDL ("good" cholesterol) is as that would have a huge impact on my advice. If it is truly unusually high, it could be protecting your heart, and, if that is the case, your total cholesterol would looked skewed because of your high HDL. Do you have your numbers handy?
Yes I do have my numbers: total 275 ldl 165 triglycerides 124 hdl 85
ratio 3.2. thank you all for your advice it so nice to have so many great people to talk to!!!
HI Mary,

Your HDL is excellent, and could be due to your devotion to exercise (unless you know of others in your family who also have high HDL? It is often genetic.). Anyway, while your total is certainly high, your HDL at that level should be protecting your heart. Your triglycerides are good, too, although your LDL is a bit elevated. Do you have any risk factors? Any relatives with heart or vascular disease? That would be an important factor. If not, keep exercising 6 days a week, and eat clean. I certainly believe most everyone can benefit from omega 3s. They help to increase HDL, and one of the functions of good ol' HDL is to move all those nasty LDL particles through your arteries, so the fat doesn't start to clog up your artery walls. In essence, the omega 3s will then help to lower your LDL too. I recommend foods high in fiber (oatmeal is great, of course), blueberries, walnuts and almonds, etc.

But honestly, your HDL is quite enviable!
My last cholesterol check had my total a little high: 229

However, my LDL was 127, and my HDL was 82, so my doctor was not worried. (My triglycerides were 98). He said my ratio was good, so no drugs.

Hope that helps! :D

Marla G.

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