Hi Everyone!

Cathe Friedrich

Just popping in for an hour to chat. I'm going to go look at the questions that have come in. I haven't been online in a few days. Missed you all :)
I know you are probably hating this question-- but any thoughts for the next round of workouts you planned? ;)
Hi FitPita (too cute name)....Yes, I'm working on things but don't have any concrete info to share just yet. I hope to pretty soon though:)
Thank you!

You rock :) but you already knew that!!!! Ok except when I'm cursing you in my living room, but I know you wouldn't have it any other way ;)
HI Cathe,

Oh I can't wait for some info about some new workouts. Also, I hope you had a great vacation. Did you guys get to ski and stuff? I have never gone skiing but hope to someday. It looks like a lot of fun but I know my husband would be too busy throwing snowballs and pushing the kids and I in the snow to learn how to ski!! He is like a big kid!!! Well, Happy New Year and good luck on your next endeavor. Hopefully things will go a lot smoother for you and your crew on the next set of DVD's.
Hi Cathe, hope you and your family had a wonderful vacation! And a Happy New Year! And, Happy Exercising! Annette
Hi Cathe!

I hope your Holidays were spectacular!!

I just wanted to say I am so thankful I found you and your workouts!! I thought I was working out until I found your DVDs late last spring. I have shaped up inside and out, quit smoking and have a new obsession (healthy one) of working out to Cathe!! I am doing your Aug 2005 Bootcamp rotation this month and so far so good. (Although it's costing me more in the clothes budget as I do not fit in any of my old clothes anymore!!!)

I look forward to working out now and find it fun - I think because I am being challenged

Thanks for all you do! We appreciate it! I am looking forward to anything new you put out!!

Thanks again!
Hi five to you Jane. Way to go! Perfect month to pull out that rotation too ;-) I wish you continued success. See ya next workout:)


How fun that I can spend my lunch hour with you today! :) I have missed seeing you here. I hope you are having a peaceful and healthy new year. I am dreaming about a new step workout. My first workout of 2007 was Rhythmic Step, which is one of my all-time favorites workouts. :7 I would be delighted to have a Rhythmic Step 2 someday, but I will take whatever you want to send my way. ;-)

I am looking forward to receiving my first Cathe catalog. When will it be ready? I am having fun with my Cathe calendar. It is very inspiring, and it is a powerful visual training tool that allows me to see at a glance that my rotation is balanced (as I have a tendency to favor cardio). Speaking of which, your calendar is featured in the Dallas Morning News today as a favorite! :)

Here is a big Texas hug for you and prayers for your next filming project. :*

Heather B.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (Hebrews 12:1 NIV).

Hi Cathe. Hoping you can assist, (know you are busy). For Christmas, my Santa got me the S&H, BM2 and Pyramid L/U DVD's. I love them but am afraid I am not setting my training up right. I am looking to drop 30 lbs. (I know alot but I can do it)and tone my entire body. I run around 4 days a week but only 2 miles a day due to the added l-b's and 2 prior foot surgeries. I just ordered 3 more of your DVD's & have been reviewing your Rotation schedules. Do you have any insight regarding how I should tackle my workouts? I run in the morning & do your workouts when I get home in the evening. I try to rest one day without any workouts. Your thoughts and help would be appreciated. thx :)
I probably missed my chance but I just wanted to say a big HELLO to you Cathe and Thank you for all you have done for me :)
RE: Cathe!!!

Thanks Heather. Great to hear from you too. We are working on the catalogs now (in the next room over to be exact:) ) and hope to have these out in February.

Thanks for the heads up on the calender feature in the Dallas News. They contacted us about it a few weeks back and told us to expect the article today. I should receive a copy soon. Fun stuff!

Have a great day!
Cathe! So good to hear from you. :) I just wanted to pretty much beg you for more low impact/high intensity workouts. I saw that some people were asking so I'm coming here to beg. :+ I did LIC's cardio premix a couple of weeks ago and I was really impressed. I also love Low Max and I would like more low impact Cathe workouts in the future. Years ago I would've never thought that the lady that kicked my butt in MIC would do it in a low impact workout, but you do it every time. I hope you read this when you get back from your meeting. Take care and thank you for chatting with us.

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