Hi Everyone!

Cathe Friedrich

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-01-02 AT 09:04AM (Est)[/font][p]As you can see the last couple of weeks have been filled with family bonding time. Eric and Kyle are getting along just great together.

I hope you are all doing well. I wanted to post a quick note to let you know that I have not abandoned the forums ;-) and plan to be back on within a week or sooner. It will be hard to answer a lot of questions at first but eventually I will be back to work on a more regular basis. Looking forward to "chatting" again soon.

Take Care,
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-01-02 AT 09:07AM (Est)[/font][p]Hey Cathe,
Thanks for letting us know. Glad you will be back soon, we have missed you. But we all know how important family bonding is. I have two children and I know when my second one came along I really had to take time to give my first born a lot of attention. Take your time Cathe and enjoy these moments. Take care, Amy Jo Hauge (What a beautiful picture).

What a precious picture!!! Thanks so much for sharing it with us, Cathe. We miss you but truly understand that your time together wih family now is sooo important. We look forward to "chatting" with you also, but take your time. Give both boys a big hug from all his aunties and uncles here.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Cathe,
Thanks for sharing that beautiful picture. I have two girls-my baby is 17 years old. The time sure goes by fast. So nice to hear from you.
Thanks for sharing the picture of two of your beautiful boys!
Glad things are going well for you.

Susan http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/comic19.gif[/img]
Hi Cathe! The picture of Kyle and Eric is sooo precious!! Enjoy the time together. Hugs and kisses, Kathy
Oh Cathe, what a photo. Eric sure looks like you in that photo. They are both angels! Congratulations.

Don't worry about us. I've got a question to ask you, but I can wait. Your babies are much more important! Take your time. Laura
Well, Cathe, since I see you every morning in my living room it doesn't seem like you've been gone at all! Your boys are beautiful. I have all kind of questions to ask you about post-pregnancy incontinence, but they can wait! Enjoy this time, as you know, it flies by.

That is a precious picture Cathe. Eric looks like he will be quite the protective big brother! ;-) It will be great to have you back - take care.

Hi I am new to the site but have been a long time reader of the site and also own all of Cathes tapes I Love them Finally I have entered the 21st century and have a computer at home! My children are so happy. I wanted to log in here and tell Cathe congratulations! Enjoy your children while they are young they grow so fast. My oldest will be going to college this fall Seems like yesterday he was born. So take your time with your family all your fans will understand. Have fun! A long time fan of your videos!
What a sweet picture! It's wonderful when little brothers (and sisters) bond!

Don't worry about us - we're busy giving each other free advice and spending each other's money! Enjoy a bit of breathing time -HAH!

Please take as much time off as you need...we understand! It's exhausting to have a new baby and a toddler.

Thanks for the neat pic! It's great that Eric is cool with his new bro.
Hi Cathe!! :)

Thanks for letting us know you're doing so well, and enjoying your family!! I've thought of you often in the last couple of weeks, and am glad to know that you're doing wonderfully!!

God Bless!!
Okay that is the sweetest picture I have ever seen! God bless your beautiful family and take care!
That picture is better than a thousand words. Have fun now, because they grow up TOO fast. My babies are 12 and 16, and the "fun" is very different now!

Sandi M
What a beautiful picture!! Take your time, recover and enjoy watching your two boys together - we're not going anywhere!
Oh Cathe,

What a truly beautiful picture. It takes me back to when my two were that age. My Octavia was two months shy of turning three when her brother arrived in the world, and she would look at him so intensely, and full of love, while my Marcus would hold her finger.

We are all fine here at the forum. This is such a special time for you and your family. Don't worry about us. Thanks for sharing such a precious picture.


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