Hi Everyone!

Cathe Friedrich

Wow, how I have missed everyone!!!! Thank you so much for your wonderful messages, helpful advice, and warm company over the last few weeks. My husband brought me all of your responses while I was in the hospital and that was such a special feeling. I really got choked up. It was especially comforting since that hospital was not supposed to be my delivering hospital and having your responses to read was like having family with me
! I'm having a blast bonding with little Eric. We love our little guy SOOOOOOOOO much! Words just can't describe it.

I appreciate everyone's patience as I am continuing to learn all about motherhood. I will really try to answer a few forum questions per day. Please bear with me. Tomorrow will be my official start back. I wanted to give myself a full two weeks of recovery and adjustment before I "somewhat" returned to work.

I can't wait to be back with all of you. See you tomorrow
Hi Cathe!

Hi Cathe,
Eric is an absolutely beautiful baby. Sounds like his delivery was quite an adventure - glad everything turned out so well!
Hope you are feeling ok and getting some sleep!!
Best wishes to you, Jon and Eric,
Hard to stay away!

I knew it would be difficult for you to sit on all that energy you exude! Sure enjoyed reading your husbands post on your delivery. Sounds like a few of my own. The second one only took about 30 minutes after arriving at the hospital to make her appearance. Would like to add my own warm wishes to you and your family of 3! Motherhood is a wonderful roller coaster and every newborn a careful reminder of the blessings we are given. It is so terrific to hold someone who has so recently seen the face of God!
Take your time Cathe :)

Most women take 3 monthes off from work, after having a baby. Just ease into it. Enjoy yourself and your new little family:)
Congratulations, Cathe!!!

It's so great to see you back, we've missed you lots
. And we're all so excited for you in this wonderful time... Please take it easy and enjoy that new baby boy of yours
Enjoy that BABY!

This is such a BEAUTIFUL TIME. All Babies are precious,but your first is so special in so many ways. ENJOY

God Bless You All,

Hi Cathe--How wonderful to find such a neat web site and sooo many friendly people. I love reading all about fitness and about what a great person you are. I am an aerobic instructor in my small community and have never done step before. I need to tell you that I just decided to "GO FOR IT" & ordered 4 of your tapes right off the bat! I AM HOOKED!! I am having trouble getting down all the turns, but I'm determined and I know I will get them. Thanks for sharing your wonderful news with us all and tell Jon I enjoyed his story soo much! Thanks Cathe for all you do to help us all lead a healthier life!! DEBBIE
Great to hear from you!

We've missed you! Glad to see you're taking it easy and enjoying your little one. Really enjoyed Jon's story, what a guy!! Loved the pictures of all of you also.

Bev K.
Glad to hear from you

Welcome back Cathe! On a selfish note, I have to say that I'm excited you're coming back!! This sure has been a long 2 weeks with out you.

good to hear from you

We all missed you, but don't hurry back too soon; you have something much more important (and fun!) to do. Congratulations again, and enjoy this special time!

Hi from a late-well wisher

Hi Cathe!
I am a latecomer in congratulating you on your beautiful little boy. I wish you all the best luck and love that he will bring you and your family. You are an inspiration to me because I have not yet started a family (hoping to get engaged soon though...thats the first step
I havent been online lately and I came to the site specifically to see if you had your baby yet. The pictures are wonderful and brought tears to my eyes.

Congratulations again!
Anne Pipitone, NJ
Welcome back!

Welcome back, Cathe - we've missed you. Thanks to both you and Jon for letting us share in your joy. Please take it easy, though and don't overdo - we certainly understand!


I've been away from the forum since you first announced you were pregnant! How time flies!!! Enjoy every precious moment! Now I'm heading to your photos page to get a glimpse of the little guy! May God bless you both!
Welcome back and take it easy, Cathe!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jan-13-00 AT 12:13PM (EST)</font></center>

How terrific to hear from you! Thank you for taking the time to touch base with us. You know we hang on your every word!

I think having a new baby (and I am of course partial to baby boys) is the most fun in the world, and I'm so glad that you're not too sleep-deprived to enjoy these first few amazing weeks with little Eric
. (Actually, being sleep-deprived can add to the goofy fun of it all, you know?)

Don't rush into work too quickly -- this is your time to rest, heal and snuggle with your boys. We'll always be right here, so please take your time getting back into the swing of things.

Kathy and my guys in Atlanta
Glad you're back!

Hi Cathe,

You really have a special husband, and your baby is beautiful. Hang in there, and love every minute of it!

Welcome back,
Sandi M
Take your time coming back, and enjoy Eric!

It's so great to see a post from you again! We really appreciate you, Jon and Chris for keeping us up to date on how you all are doing. Eric is just precious! Enjoy motherhood--you're so well suited for the job!

Hi Cathe

I'm new here, but I absolutely love this site. It's great to be able to connect with other people who have the same interest in exercise. congratulations on your new family member. I wish for you many happy times ahead.
Welcome back!

We've missed you! Eric is such a sweetie! Get lots of rest and don't rush into anything. Just enjoy that wonderful baby and your fantastic husband!

Welcome back!

A post from Cathe...yippee! Be good to yourself, new moms need all the rest they can get. Well, so do us OLD moms, ha!! It was great to hear from you.


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