HI Cathe! Question about size changes as you lose weight.


HI Cathe!
I have just discovered your workouts and they are FABULOUS!
I have been doing other things regularly now for about one and a half years (3-5 days exercise CONSTANTLY,not off and on)

Recently, I have been getting more into exercise and for the past month or so have increased my workouts to 5-6times a week.

My question is, I think I am toning up, and I look better, but my waist is getting smaller while my butt-ocks are getting BIGGER! No, I don't want this! It seems like my body is changing shape very quickly, and now I can not wear my old size
Since my middle area has slimmed down, do you think the rest will follow or is there a video of (yours preferably) to help me slim down my backside?! It is nice that my waist is slimming down, but if I can't fit the back in the pants then there is a problem!

Here is my current exercise-
-I use the FIRM alot, mainly cardio tapes or cardio and weights
-I sometimes run on my treadmill or walk
~My eating habits have not changed significantly,and I feel like I have lost weight in some areas!

I can't really convey my problem too well here, but basically-
1)what are good tapes of yours to help slim the butt area (I have lots of muscle tone, but almost TOO much!)
2)why is this happening, where my middle slims down, but my backside gets bigger

(if anyone can answer too, that would be great!)
I bet it has a lot to do with genes! I mean if she has a predisposition to having curvier hips and a slimmer waist then exercise just pretty much complements it. Could be wrong but that might be it. I am still looking for the " How to get a massive butt rotation" If anyone around has any suggestions? I remember Cathe saying LOTS OF SQUATS and LUNGES ... and so I lunge along.
There has been improvement, a tighter higher butt but not much mass! I want MASS! A gluteus MASSimus! But genes fight me every step of the way ... the waist is coming off extremely slowly but atleast it is shrinking little by little. Some people are just like that. Some struggle trying to lose their hips while their waist goes away fast and some unfortunate person like myself have legs that disappear if I dont lift heavy and my waist wont budge.
HI guys! I guess you both pose good points that I never thought of! I guess genes play a HUGE role in everything. My heritage is spanish (few generations back) but I know latinas are known for their um curviness. I am probably exasterbating the problem by continuing to do endless squats/lunges/plyos via the FIRM.

Jammin (Robin) you can HAVE my backside! I really like the lean long look, but I guess the grass is greener huh?
I do have the "j.lo" look right now, I just need it lengthened out I guess! I build muscle WAAY too easily and I guess I have gained some muscle in "that" area I guess.

Robin-I tend to do videos that have alot of cardio. And for FIRMS, that includes LOTS of plyos (as you prob.know) AND my fav.videos contain alot of "butt moves"
If you are familiar w/ firms here are my most used-
-Super Cardio (jen carman's plyo section)
-Power Cardio (plyo moves again)
-Cardio Burn (plyo..)
-Core Cardio's One and Two

I mean, everything is toned just fine, but somehow I want it to be toned but also SMALLER!
It is really sad to have to actually go UP a size when you have been exercising and seem to be losing some weight!
Take my butt please!!!
Hi Jaime! Yes, as it has been stated it is mostly due to genetics. If you feel that your butt is getting too muscular, then try cutting back on your squats and lunges (but don't eliminate them)and use lighter weights when training them. For instance only work your legs two times per week with light weight and half the amount of squats and lunges you are currently doing. Of my tapes, I would say to try Power Hour. There is one 6 minute squat song and a 6 minute lunge song. These mini leg routines focus on hi reps and light weight. I would do this workout two to three times per week. Good Luck!
I have a slightly different - and maybe more difficult - twist on this problem. My butt shapes up easily and is pretty much where I want it, but my legs - particularly the hamstrings really need mass and definition. (Yep, they called me "chicken legs" in junior high.)

Should I cut back on squats and lunges and work more on floor leg work?

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-26-02 AT 02:33PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi AKirkland!

I have the same the problem as you.(I was called chicken legs in school too.) I don't know if you have PS: Strong legs and abs, but this tape has a real good section where you lie on the floor, but your heel on the step(I use the 10-14inch)and as you put the pressure on your heel, lift your lower body up and down, like pelvic lifts. She uses dumbells with this move and it really burns the hamstrings. I've notice good results right away. Deadlifts helped too, but I have to be carefull because my back can get sore with this move.

Hope I helped.

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