Hi Cathe about foods for veggies


Hi Cathy
I wanted to know I do not eat any meat could you please tell me what foods i should eat or what I should buy to help me build muscles.
I am 38yrs I exercise with you 5 to 6 times a week but my stomach is still kinda of flabby what can i do I did have three children I am not fat just need more toning I am 5"9 about 145 pds please help me what can I do ????Do I need more aroebics i have cellulite i hate it so bad. I exercise so hard please tell me what to do. I love your exercise I look up to so much !!!! i HAVE BEEN EXERCISING FOR YRS NOW
Since Cathe is not a vegetarian, you will get better and more responses if you post this on the general forum.

There are quite a few vegetarians/vegans on the board. Please repost your question in the "open forum" and we'll give you lots of ideas!

Oops! I see Clare and I had the same idea.;-)
>Not cathe but try peanut butter,and avacadoes to have that
>extra protein you need.

Avocados? A good source of healthy fat, but with 3.5 grams of protein in a 300 calorie avacado, it would be difficult to call them a good source of protein.


Looks like Kathryn posted while I replied.

I have been a veggie since I was twelve, and it IS very hard for us people to build muscle. I was trying for many years to get more buffed and I know this sounds really simple, but after years of trying, I found that taking a protein shake a day made a BIG difference. Soya based foods (tofu, meat substitutes, etc) are great sources of protein, as well as eggs (mind the fat!), dairy products and beans/pulses. In my own personal experience I have found that vegetarian diets by default can often be really high in carbs, so this might be another thing for you to look at in terms of getting leaner....

I hope this has been of some help to you

Hi Monkey15401! Some of my favorite non-meat proteins are chick peas, peanut butter, and egg whites. Like others have mentioned, be sure to post on the open discussion forum for some more feedback if you have not already :) Good Luck!
I'm a long-time vegan, and I am naturally muscular and easily pack on muscle.

Humans don't need much protein--excessive amounts (over 20% of diet) contributes to arthritis, kidney diseases, osteoporosis, gout, etc.

Excess protein cannot build cannot build muscle--studies have shown that highly competitive athletes need only a fractional amount of additional protein. The amount of protein the average person needs daily is equivalent to a deck of playing cards.

The primary fuel the body needs is carbs--unprocessed carbs, primarily vegetables. Starches (potatoes, winter squashes, beans, etc) are especially satisfying and metabolize more slowly for lasting satisfaction.

Dairy is one of the worst things humans can eat--it contributes to so many diseases, such as autoimmune diseases, osteoporosis, asthma. Check out:

http://www.nealhendrickson.com/mcdougall/040100.htm "Protein Overload"

http://www.nealhendrickson.com/mcdougall/040200.htm "Widespread Infection with Leukemia Virus from Meat and Milk"

http://www.nealhendrickson.com/mcdougall/2004nl/040400.htm "People – Not Their Words – Tell “The Carbohydrate Story”"

'Eggs..." also check out the published research in "My Favorite Five Articles Found in Recent Medical Journals" regarding "Dairy Fails Children’s Bones," "Fish Can Cause You Heart Disease," & "Meat Can Cause You Colon Cancer."

http://www.drmcdougall.com/misc/2005nl/april/050400.htm "Soy – Food, Wonder Drug, or Poison?"

http://www.vegsource.com/articles2/sandy_china_study.htm A review on the recent book, The China Study, of decades-long research showing the dangers of the Western high-protein diet.

Check out a vast amount of information at http://www.vegsource.com/index05.htm, including "9-Gold Medal winner Carl Lewis says, "My best athletic performances were after I went vegan."

Hope this helps.
rcinmichigan -
THANK YOU for telling people of the "protein myth." It's so true that people eat much more than they need. It's hard to digest and basically sits around in the intestines forever. I'm a vegetarian, andn like you have never had trouble building muscle.
Nothing like scaring people to death with adding yet more foods to the forbidden list.

In moderation, as in everything in life, dairy is part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

Eggs are a great source of protein to vegetarians actually and have been given the all-clear regarding cholesterol counts. Milk is also a fabulous food and cheese is great, just don't eat apound of it a day.

Hi rcbinichigan!!
I too am a vegan and really appreciate all of the info you posted. Maybe you should post it on the open forum as well!! You may get some flack for it but I'm sure you're used to that being a vegan and all!

A fellow vegan and animal lover,
Hey you guys got me thinking if my favorite foods have the nutrients I think they have. This is from the W.I.C. clinic Food Guide Pyramid.
Meat,Poultry,Fish,Dry beans,Eggs&Nuts group

Count 1/2 cup of cooked dry beans or 1 egg as 1 ounce of lean meat.2 tablespoons of peanut butter or 1/3 cup of nuts count as 1 ounce of meat.

So you don't need alot to get your needs in. I looked on atkins and south beach web site and I could not find this info.
Guess what the WIC got this info from National Cattlemen's Beek Assoc. I know you are not happy about that.
Thanks for the info guys helped out alot !!!
I do have muscle but i do exercise alot but my abs needs to burn the extra fat.
I guess i want to look as good as cathe!!!

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