Hi Cathe--a new gallery of my son's "artwork"


Hi Cathe--I just uploaded some new funny drawings that my 5-year old Isaac did. I know you and your boys liked his last gallery so I thought I'd show you this new webpage:



[font face="comic sans ms" font color=teal]***Lainie***

My fitness blog: http://web.mac.com/lainiefig/iWeb/Site/Exercise/Exercise.html
RE: Hi Cathe--a new gallery of my son's

"Self-portrait with umbrella", what a hoot! You look great lifting your weights Lainie :7 . A family of creative geniuses!! Wonderful stuff, truly......

RE: Hi Cathe--a new gallery of my son's

Thanks! It's hard not to put every single thing he draws on there, but he does a ton! I need to put up some pictures of his other creations. He does some pretty creative things with his legos and tinker toys--building little cities in his room. :)

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=teal]***Lainie***

My fitness blog: http://web.mac.com/lainiefig/iWeb/Site/Exercise/Exercise.html
RE: Hi Cathe--a new gallery of my son's

Wow Lainie, I'm telling you these drawings are outstanding. The detail is amazing. The one where you say you are "clueless" about looks like a person sitting in front of a piano and the piano keys are facing us. Another one looks like a fish swimming to me. Just really precious talent there. Please give our two artists hugs and high fives. Thanks for sharing!
RE: Hi Cathe--a new gallery of my son's

You're welcome, Cathe, and thanks for looking at his page. He really is so obsessive about his "art" that I wonder if he might actually become an artist some day (though I suspect from his other qualities and activities that he could be an architect or engineer instead of a painter).

Little boys are fun, aren't they? :D

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=teal]***Lainie***

My fitness blog: http://web.mac.com/lainiefig/iWeb/Site/Exercise/Exercise.html

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