Hi All - I'm Back!!!


Hi all!!

It's been quite a while since I've been here with all of you! Those of you that remember me, i'm Iris from NY. KathyH, Gretsky, Susan, and Nancy know me well and we met through this great forum.

It's been quite a long journey since my last post, and now I have to start from scratch since my profile has been deleted (I think). DebbieH - how are you and your grandchild? I don't know where to begin.. but here goes...

As many of you may have read, I've had quite an experience with my knee - two arthroscopic surgeries, loss of my job, moved into my new home this past November and now awaiting a total knee replacement!! All this in almost a year! Suffice it to say that my workouts and weightloss have greatly suffered, but I'm back now!!! I've started WW last week - lost almost 5 pounds and have started working out again with Pilates, and with Cathe's upper body - I didn't realize how out of shape I was - and talk about sore!!! I know I have a long journey as I begin my way back to where I was before all of this happened - I was doing chest flys with Cathe with 20 pounders!! I know I have to take it slow and easy and hopefully my body will react and I will begin to feel healthy again.

I look forward to hearing from all of you again - have I missed you guys!!
Hi Iris:

nice to see you again!

I think that journeys back are an essential part of the fitmess journey. I go through several per year!!!! So, I know exactly how you feel. Just started my own journey back about three weeks ago, and I know what a shocker it is to realize just how pathetic an puny we can get away from PUB et al!!!

Yup, slow and easy is the way.....enjoy those first DOMS!!!

Hi Iris! Welcome back...SO glad you're able to start in again. You're right...take it slow. Interesting though, when I had started back after an injury it didn't take very long at all to work myself back to where I was, as opposed to the first time I really started exercising which darn near killed me!:p

Hi Ruth and Clare - so good to be back again!

Indulge me for a moment, please. Regarding working out again - DOMS - ouch! It's my lower body. Because of my knees - specifically the right one, my doctor has eliminated lunges, squats or anything that will put pressure on my knees. So my dilema is other than what I'm doing - pilates, yoga for back care, abs and upper body weight training, how can I strengthen my lower body??? A while ago, my PT had me doing quads with the leg press - I don't have to tell you how much that hurt - YOWZA!!! And if I'm being truthful, the therapy made my knees hurt more - so you see I'm at a loss - HELP!!

Thanks again for listening!
Hi Iris. Welcome Back! I wondered if that was *you* asking Cathe a question about your knee, but then saw the low number of posts and thought it must be another Iris. Have you been using your Total Gym? I never use mine anymore, but it is a good piece of equipment for when you have an injury. Glad your back on the forum.
Susan C.M.
Hi there my friend! What a nice surprise to see your name. I am headed out to teach a class so I don't have much time but wanted to say hello. I can feel for you as I am just now coming back from a knee injury that put me slightly out of commission for almost a year! I am so thankful I didn't require surgery and I am sending a big hug and will say extra prayers for you and a for VERY SPEEDY recovery. I will try to write more and maybe help come up with some ideas of what you CAN do. Thanks for thinking of me~that meant a lot! MISSED U OODLES!!! (BTW, make that grandchild, GRANDCHILDREN! Julie gave us a beautiful baby boy this time. He is 7 months old! Boy, are we having a blast with them. Too, too fun!) I'll be in touch and again...sooo great 2 C U!!!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Debbie - CONGRATULATIONS! I know what you mean girl, we have another addition - Benjamin made his appearance last July and he's a total doll and with me being home for almost a year I've enjoyed him so very much. Thanks so much for responding. It feels so good that I haven't been forgotten. Many may think that its another Iris, but its me - I had to re-register that's why the post numbers are low, but now that I'm back there will be many more. I wrote to Cathe and I've responded. My fear is mostly with the weights and barbells, my doctors says I can with caution but also recommends that I don't do high impact - like stepping or running. It's been quite hard to become motivated, but I know that I have to begin somewhere and you and everyone on this forum has been so supportive over the years with my woes on my knees. My total gym is in the closet, and I guess I should start using it - my therapy center uses them.

Great to hear from you Debbie!!

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