HEY WD-re: your endurance rotation


Hi Sue,

I was going to e-mail you privately but decided that maybe others might benefit from the questions I want to ask about the rotation you posted on the pictures thread...For those that missed it, here is the rotation...

Mon. Step Works and Power Hour
Tues.Circuit Max and abs from ctx abs dvd first 25 min.
Wed. MIS Lower and abs, Bodymax abs, bowflex lower 20 min.,
Interval Max
Thurs.ctx 10,10,10, warm up and cardio, all step cardio, and
ctx upper body split
Fri. ctx leaner legs and Body Max cardio up to upper section
Sat. ctx kickbox warm up and cardio, ctx step and intervals
cardio only, Body Max upper body & abs and abs from power
hour and MIS
Sun. rest

1) Do I understand correctly that on Tuesday you do all of Circuit Max & then 25 minutes of abs? (can I say OUCH!!!)

2) On Friday, when you say "up to upper section" exactly what do you mean? Do you mean you do the step portion & then the power circuit intervals?

3) Do you do this all in one "sitting" or do you do an hour in the morning & an hour at night?

Thanks in advance for helping us out!

I'm ready to take the next step! http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/a_smil09.gif
Hi, I'm not Sue--but I was curious about this also. What amazed me is doing all that lower body work and THEN Imax on the same day. Woweee!

I would also love to know if you follow this "endurance" rotation with a "strength" rotation, and what it consists of.

Sue, you look absolutely fantastic. You should be very proud of yourself! :)

Hi, I can understand why you may have wanted to e mail me privately. I am sure for some this may be way to much. I am always interested in what others do. Here goes.
1. Yes I do all of circuit max and 25 minutes of abs.
2. Yes I do the step and step circuit portion of bodymax and
stop at the upper.
3. Yes I do this all in one sitting. I don't leave home to work
and am usually up early.
Hi Denise,
Thank you so much. I probably spend more time on strength rotations than endurance. I will probably do this 3 weeks and move on. I really like slow and heavy. I could give an example of a rotation I would use.
Mon S&H Legs & Shoulders, I use my bowflex to go heavier on the
squats, and add more calf work and 3 sets each leg extensions,
and leg curls with the bowflex. CTX all step cardio only
Tues S&H Chest,Back and Triceps CTX Step and Intervals cardio
only Also the planks
Wed. MIC and S&H Biceps, and Abs which I usually do 2X
Thurs. S&H Legs, done same as Mon except no shoulders. Cardio
Kicks sometimes abs
Fri. Rhythmic Step, PS all upper body exercises and one stretch
no abs.
Sat. Interval Max, All of CTX abs
Sun. Rest
I try to get everything in twice. I am kind of crazy with abs. I will shorten them if I hold a dumbell on my chest for the cruch segments. Usually I will do this for 4 weeks and move to an all PS rotation. I may skip shoulders the second time around as I tend to have more muscle soreness in that area.
It is funny how everyone wants to know what you do, but I want to know what you EAT.....Do tell........


Hope you don't mind if I reply.


I don't think Sue follows any particular diet as she did mention '.....despite all these xmas goodies thrown at me.....' or something along those lines. Mind you, when you work out that hard, you can probably eat whatever you want.

Hi Janice,
I do not count calories or percentages. I eat lean meat sources, egg whites with maybe 1 yolk added as I feel that the yolk has good nutrients in it,loads of vegetables, try to keep starchy carbs low and sometimes eat a piece of fruit. I am not strict with diet. I know a lot of people don't eat a lot of dairy but I use dairy products to help keep my calcium intake up. I like Breyer's light sugar free ice cream, and will eat yogurt with some nuts sprinkled in it, also Seargento light swiss cheese(low sodium)good on eggs or for a morning snack before I workout. I also watch my sodium intake and read labels for that. I have recently added in a baked sweet potato with light margarine and pepper on it for more energy after my workouts. I will probably get tired of that and have to change to something else. Thanks for asking. I am not sure if this helps out.
Yes, I do tend to eat goodies when they are around or when I go out.:D We have had all of these little swiss colony cheese cakes and 3 pounds of nuts here. What can I say I have practically no willpower when those kinds of things are around. My DH says I can out eat him. I have been working out for 18 years so that probably has helped me out a lot.
Hello again Sue,

Can I ask what time do you get up and go to bed at night? Because if I had to do that rotation, I think I would need to nap in the afternoon as well.

Mind you, I have noticed that my energy levels have increased a great deal since I started working. However, I still need 8 hours a night if not more.

Hi Yen,
I get up around 5:30 am and am usually in bed by 9:30 sometimes 10:00. I try to get 8 hours of sleep and then I am fine. If I don't I kind of drag by midafternoon.
Thank you Sue,

You are so kind for sharing this with us.

I also love to eat and have absolutely no will power whatsoever. I eat anything and everything, meat, dairy, vegetables etc. I actually try to eat more dairy because I want the calcium, I like fatty meats too so would eat chicken skin and the fat on pork. I eat a lot of rice, but don't eat a lot of bread and pasta. I also don't eat a lot of sugary foods like cakes, biscuits, chocolates etc. because I actually like salt - in fact, I think I eat too much salt.

I usually have a pizza after a hard run on Tuesdays.

Hi, Sue!

Thank you so much for sharing your Slow & Heavy rotation, it looks great and I'd love to give it a try! S & H is my personal favorite.

Can I ask one more favor of you? You noted at the end of your reply that you usually follow this rotation with a Pure Strength series rotation. Would you be willing to post it?

Thank you again for sharing! I have printed the other two rotations and would love to have your PS rotation as well.

Thank you! :)
Hi Honeybunch
I do not have a job outside of the home. I watch 3 of my 5 grandchildren during the week. I spend anywhere from 1 1/2 hours to 2 1/2 hours a day 6 days a week.
Hi Denise,
I'll see whatI can do. I keep a workout log so I can refer back and see what I have done and make any changes.
Mon. Pure Strength Legs and Abs, Bowflex Leg extensions and
curls, cardio portion of CTX step and intervals and CTX
All Step cardio and stretch
Tues. Pure Strength Warm up Chest, shoulders,triceps and Back
and Biceps no abs Cardio Kicks
Wed. Interval Max, Abs from PSLA and PSBB, Abs with Bowflex
for resistance
Thurs. Pure Strength Legs no abs stretch, Step works
Fri. Pure Strength Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps, Circuit
Sat. Pure Strength Back, Biceps and Abs, Abs from S&H 2X and
S&H Planks, MIC
Sun. Rest
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-18-02 AT 00:15AM (Est)[/font][p] Yen,

You are correct. With that much activity, I guess it does not much matter, but I am sure it does a little.:)

Whatever you are doing Sue, it is working beautifully, so keep it up. You have a very grueling yet interesting rotation. I would love to try it someday!!

Thanks for the info!!

Hello Sue,

I asked this before but didn't get a reply from you. What is a bowflex exactly? I have never heard or seen one.

Do you know where I can see a picture of one?


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