hey ....help...Push Pull or Supersets??


Okay, here's my problem. I am moving in May to a new house with a little room just for me, Cathe and a new dvd player. Yeah!!! So I will need to convert to dvd, so I really do not want to get too many more vhs tapes....but I really want a new weight tape from the bb series....so which one does everybody like better...which one will tide me over for a while?? Take care, Donna.
If you're going DVD, and looking specifically for weight workouts, the "Push/Pull"/"Supersets" DVD is the logical choice. I haven't done the Superset workout yet, but Push/Pull is a fun and effective workout that's different from most of Cathe's previous weight tapes in that there are fewer sets per body part (so muscles are worked, but not overworked) and that you work the whole body in around 45 minutes. "Supersets" is also a shorter, full body workout. And the DVD has many premixes.

Do you already have PUB/PLB? I know it's not from BB, but if you don't have it yet, I highly recommend it (well, I would highly recommend PH, S&H, MIS....so never mind!)
I like SS better. That was a surprise because I thought it would be Push & Pull that would be more my thing. But I think they come in the same DVD don't they?
If you like heavy weight work, I recommend PP because you can max out your poundage since there are so few sets. Supersets is a blast too and I'll probably get a little more use because it's a more typical strength training workout but both are terrific! The work on the ball is really innovative and I thank God no one can see me when I am attempting to do the ball work! Those pikes! Wow! Have fun deciding!
http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/coollook.gif Bobbi
I got my friend hooked on PIKES. It's hard to get her to do anything else except run but she likes the stuff I show her from Cathe's ball work. I was on the TMill awhile ago and caught her doing them on a silver swiss ball. I can't do those!!!
I'm with YOU Bobbi! I keep trying and trying. I can do these if I'm fresh and haven't worked out. But otherwise, if I do them after upper body work, no way - I am on my HEAD! LOL!

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