RE: Getnfit@39?
Hi Mindi,
Initially I didn't change my diet much, just made small changes like not frying any foods, gave up sodas, mayo and junk foods. Then as I began learning a little more about food, I started watching the fat content and fiber content, and I started keeping a daily food journal tracking my calories, fat and fiber. I strived to maintain my calories under 1800/day, and that was pretty much it until about 6 months ago when I started also keeping track of protein/carbs/fat/calories/fiber. I don't obsess over it or anything, but I try to keep my fat intake to 25% and I try to get in at least 30g fiber, which is easier some days than others. If I don't pay attention, I'll eat too little protein and too many carbs, I strive for a 20/55 ratio, but like I said, I don't obsess about it.
But I purposely stayed away from specified plans because I knew this had to be a lifestyle change, so I needed to learn how to eat regular every day foods and maintain portions that would allow me to lose weight, yet fuel my body. It's a learning experience, I go through periods of eating all the wrong things to eating really well, to somewhere in between!
There was a "theory/myth" that if fat people weight trained, they would build muscle under the fat and look bigger, or some such crap like that, and that you should wait until you lost weight before adding weight lifting to your exercise routine. I'm glad I didn't pay that any attention!
Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!