Hey everyone!


Hi! I have not been around for a while. I feel bad for suddenly dropping out of the weight loss check in. I have had a really hard time motivating myself latey and have been dealing with some personal issues. Anyway, I wanted to say hi to everyone and let you all know I'm still out there and did not fall off the face of the earth!

Welcome back Marci!

How nice to "see" you again! Hope things are on the upswing for you on all fronts.:) Don't feel too badly about losing a little steam, either -- I think this is the time of year for physical AND mental spring cleaning, and I know that I always feel more discombobulated this time of year than any other and have had many friends voice the same feelings to me. If you've got a lot on your mind and on your plate it's really easy to have your fitness and wellness routine slip a notch. But stick with us here -- you know we'll get each other motivated again!

http://www.clicksmilie.de/sammlung/sport/sport003.gif Kathy S.
RE: Welcome back Marci!

Hi Marci,

Talk about deja vu! I was just looking at my email address book the other day and I said to myself when I saw your email address, "hey, where the heck did Marci go? She hasn't been at the check in forever? and I can't remember seeing a post anywhere from her?" I was going to email you but I didn't want to be "pushy."
Glad to "see" you back, how are the kids?


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
RE: Hello Marci !!!!!!

Hi Marci ! :)

Don't worry about being away from the check in, we are all ready for you to join us whenever you are ready :). Set backs are a pain aren't they ? But you know, I don't think we'd be human if we didn't have them.....

Take Care Marci :D

Anna :)
Hi Marci,

Like Donna, I had been wondering where you were. I hope things get worked out quickly and you can concentrate on yourself and exercise again. The weight loss checkin will still be here when you're ready!!!!
Well thanks everyone! I'm not going to be joining the weight loss check in though because I'm 5 weeks pregnant with my 4th baby, and DH and I are thrilled this time :) I'm gonna be working out and watching what I eat, but obviously not trying to lose weight for a while.

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