Hey Donna (Getnfit@38)!!

You go Donna http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Usersmilies/Rafael/03/OLA.gif[/img]

I look forward to reading your posts because I just know we'll either get some more encouragement or a laugh.....or both. You are an inspiration!

[marquee] :) HAPPY ANNIVERSARY :) [/marquee]

Congratulations Donna. You are serving as an excellent role model to your daughters & many forum readers. You wouldn't be who you are if you didn't have the life experiences that you've learned from. Admitting that you've made a mistake & taking responsibilty is the first step in helping yourself. Yes, I've been reading self-help books. I'm back in school at 40 so I can make enough money to leave my husband & support myself and kids. Its so easy to use food as a comforter. Lots of people get stressed and don't realize how stressed they are. Binging on sugar/chocolate at night is a sign of stress. The endorphins kick in for a quick feel-good. I learned that in pyschology. I enjoy reading all of your posts. They are very charming, funny and intelligent. I admire you! Cathe keeps me emotionally and physically in tact. I love her for making superior workouts for the advanced exercisers. I didn't mean to go on and on but your post made me feel positive. If we try, we can do what we set out to do. My goal is different but you prove that anything is possible if we work hard. See..thats proof of being a role model.
Hello Donna,
I want to add my voice and say Congratulations! What an inspiration you are! I've read many of your posts and gained much information from them. I had absolutely no idea about your story! Thank you for sharing it.

I have two daughters. I was pretty much a couch potato and an over-indulger while they grew up. And although I am far from perfect, it wasn't until they were nearly adults that I improved my eating and began exercising with dedication. It is interesting. They have begun to take on some of these habits. Both have improved the quality of the food they eat and both have begun to show an interest in excersize. I believe that your children will see the change in you and incorporate that change in their own behavior.

Wow! You are truly an inspiration Donna. Congratulations on your one year anniversary and all that you have accomplished. What's your doctor saying these days? :D
I have to track him down!!!!

Hi cyberfit,
The Dr. that originally told me that has moved to a practice somewhere in Bethesda, MD. I've heard, so I plan to track him down later this year. My parents live close to Bethesda so while visiting them, I'd like to plan a visit to show him my progress,
and thank him for his "motivational technique."

Awesome job! I'm ashamed I didn't know anything about your hard work. I recognized your name, but never knew all the obstacles you have overcome. Thanks Debbie for bringing this to my attention!

Keep it up!


Wow! I just read your story and I am amazed, impressed and moved. I am a personal trainer and I know how hard it is to lose weight. Actually, I should not say I KNOW how hard it is because I really don't. I have never had a weight problem because I was always active as a kid/teen and as an adult. I do, however, see my clients struggle everyday with their weight and food issues and I feel for them. Bravo to you for all your perceverance and hard work! It is truly inspirational to all who need or want to shed a few pounds. It also gives perspective to those who constantly fret about an extra 5 or 10 pounds! Thanks for sharing!
Congratulations To You!!!!!

Donna, I have posted before how much I enjoy you and your words of wisdom. From your posts, I knew you had come a long way, but didn't know your whole story and always hoped you would tell us. Thank you - you are truly amazing.

I'll take a line from my kids' book "Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse" by Kevin Henkes and put my own name in there. "Wow", said Sandi. That was just about all she could say. "Wow."

Thank you so much for your openness and sharing. You are truly an inspiration to all of us and I would LOVE to see some before and after pictures of you. Really, I would just love to see any picture of you as I know you will be our Cathe poster girl. You most surely have my vote.:)

Cheers to you, Donna. Happy Year of Exercising and here's to many, many more!


Everyone already said so much, what is there left for me to say but that you are awesome!!! I think about you alot because of our weightloss check-in when i am ready to fall. Now, I will even think of you more!!! You have done a great job.
RE: Donna....

What a wonderful and inspiring story! Thank you for sharing such a private part of your life with us.
Congratulations on your one year anniversary. May the years ahead be just as successful for you!
Jeanne :)

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