Hey Anna (aka Bernard)....


Hey Anna,

I just wanted to tell you that I enjoy "knowing" you so much! :)
You just crack me up with your posts! I cannot tell you how many times I have to wipe coffee off my screen because in the middle of a sip, I'll read a post by you and spit it out all over my monitor laughing so hard! :)
There are so many wonderful personalitites here, but I just wanted you to know that you always "stick out" as one that always has a kind word, a thoughtful message, and it's obvious how much of your own genuine personality goes into your posts.
I also get a kick out of experiencing your "first time" with Cathe workouts! You're so not afraid to express how brutal the experience might have been!
I'm really glad you're around, and you make such an impact. I love this forum because with all the ugliness and selfishness in our world today, this is the one place I can come and feel support and kindness! I love that unlike many other forums on the web, we don't back bite, belittle or just be unkind to each other. There's enough of that in daily life as it is! And the fact that you always go out of your way to cheer up anyone and everyone makes it a real pleasure to "know" you! :)


p.s. And I REALLY appreciate you on our weight loss check-in! You always have something positive for everyone! :)

p.s.s. When I hit the PA lottery, I'm going to have to come visit you over there. I want to visit Scotland as well, I have a cyber buddy there name "bigacey" who's gone from 415lbs to 299lbs so far and he's just a hoot to "cyber" visit with on weight loss issues! :)

Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
Aw, Donna,

Thankyou so much, I am sat here laughing and crying so much my abs hurt !!!!!!!!!! :7 :7 :7 :7 I am surprised you can't hear me in PA !!!!!!!!!!! :7 All of my children have come rushing up to me asking me what is the matter ????
Oh my, Donna, I think you have just blasted my PMDD blues straight into PMDD oblivion, and I am having one of those days today, well I was until I read your post :)

Hey, I will keep my fingers crossed for you for the PA lottery !!!! :D

Wow :-wow, your cyber-buddy in Scotland is doing brilliantly, I can't believe how much he has lost, please tell him from me Congratulations. Has he been doing any workouts, with clean eating ?

Well, Donna, I shall be thinking of you tonight while I am charging madly around the living room, while I try and do the cardio portions in 10-10-10. Do you think Cathe would mind if I fast forward over that bit and head straight down to the triceps !!!!!??????!!!!!!! I never dare do that, in case a) someone is watching me :eek: and b) a giant sized Cathe pops out of the TV and bops me on the head !!!!!! :-wow

I have to say Donna, I always think of you whilst doing difficult cardio, I just imagine you are there encouraging me on, because you have been such a big inspiration to me. I never imagined I would ever be able to do workouts like Cathe's. This forum and all its members are brilliant !!!!!!!!!!! :7

DH is stopping by the chip shop tonight as a treat for the children.....MUST THINK BAKED POTATOES.......MUST THINK BAKED POTATOES......chips......NO, MUST THINK BAKED POTATOES AND BAKED BEANS..................:7 :7 :7 :7 !!!!!!!!!!

Take care Donna ! and Many Thanks for that !!!!!!

I shall let you know how I get on with EEK-EEK-EEK (!) tomorrow !

Anna :)
I'll be awaiting your "experience" with 10-10-10! :) It really is a blast, but trust me there are portions that make you look at Cathe like she's lost her mind for even thinking anyone but she should be able to do it!

My "cyber buddy" in Scotland is just so cool. He's 50, and says he's been overweight his entire adult life, but his wife lost weight, a considerable amount if I remember correctly, and this prompted him to do the same. He's got the most amazing willpower! No treats ever! He just sticks to eating as healthy as he can, and he says he has a manual labor type job, something along the lines of construction work, so he does a lot of lifting metal and machines, etc.
I once mentioned cardio workouts to him but he quickly tossed that out the window. Apparently being almost 6' and a very macho type means you don't do aerobics to him, so I let it go! :) But he's got the greatest attitude and his ability to just say no to every decadent morsel of food is really inspiring to me. I get so tickled every time he posts a loss, guys are usually so unemotional about weight loss, that when he loses he usually waits for like 50lb drops before he says anything, so for me it's like, "WOW! How wonderful, how great, yadda, yadda, yadda!" But his only workouts so far is on the job and being more active and he says if he can do a job by hand that he could be using a machine to do, he'll do it by hand for the exercise. So that and eating well 100% of the time is how he's done it so far. Can you believe the willpower? He never cheats! No chocolate, no beer, nothing containing sugar at all! He says he'll allow himself a treat when he reaches his goal weight! If I had that type of willpower I'd have been at my own goal! :)

And I am there encouraging you on! You guys make me push myself too! Especially the days I can hear myself "flapping" as I'm doing some air born move and thinking, "my God that sound is horrific! I should really tape myself down before I try this again!" But I remind myself, "heck, no one but me can hear the flapping, and maybe if I keep it up I won't flap for much longer!" One can only hope! :)

Good luck with 10-10-10! :) The hi/lo section gets me everytime! :)


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
Anna: I hate to jump in here, but I figure you'll read this one for sure!

What is a Clarins course? My was a certification to be an aerobics instructor. It was great and we spent a week in the Crowne Plaza hotel in May 93. Wouldn't that be a hoot if we were there at the same time????

I didn't get out much, just o healthy restaurants and for a couple of walks. I did go to a boxing match, but thats a long story! But I thought Manchester was so cool!!! And it was so fun for me to listen to the various accents as each participant taught her portion of the classes......

Newark to Glasboro wouldn't be a problem... If you get a ticket, we'll both go and I'll drive the rental car! Couldn't have you driving on the "right" side of the road could we?

Have a good day.

Hi Katie,

Clarins are a French Professional Skin Care Range, and at the time I worked at one of their Gold salons. I can't believe we were in Manchester the same month ??????? How weird is that ????? :-wow
The hotel, the course was held in was right in the city centre, not far from my commuting train station. I nearly did my training as a Beauty Therapist in Manchester ! But decided to do the training down on the South coast of England :)

HA HA ! Katie, I can't drive !!!!! :-( You would have to drive from Newark airport !!!!!!! Seriously, if I win the UK lottery in the next couple of months, I will be going on the Cathe road trip !!!!!!!! :D

Anna :)
Hi Anna,
I enjoy reading your posts. I don't know of anyone else that can make buying a tube of lipstick, mascara or fingernail polish so much fun. :D
Also I love to hear how you are getting along with your Cathe tapes. I tend to forget the first times I tried the workouts. It is so interesting to hear your perspective of them. You write with such word pictures that I feel I'm right there with you.
Your new CTX series will introduce you to that froggy hop that you also will be doing along the board in Imax2.

You are doing a marvelous job learning all these tapes. No doubt you are reaping the results of all your hard work.
It is great getting to know you.

Okay Anna, everyone has written so many kind and wonderful things and they are all sooooo true. You have an incredibly "endearing" personality that comes across over the forum and I am so greatly encouraged by your kind words. I have started feeling like you all are a family that I haven't met, yet I feel like I've known you for a long time. Can't believe you're sooo far away, it feels like your right next door. :) :) :)


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