My keys to ab work is, well, i dunno. Mmmmmmm... O, my keys are when you do your ab work, really squeez it and pull in the lower abs. When doing work for upper abs, try squeezing the upper ones togather kinda like how you squeeze your shoulder blades togather. Really cruch em. Also, I like using weight when doing ab work. Like med balls and weights. i builds them up for me. Also, I found that high reps on abs is ok. I know for muscle buiding, low reps, higher weight, and more sets is the key, but for me, higher reps w/ abs workd well. 350 sit-ups, 50 twists, using ab machines at the gym, they all have worked well for me;-)
Also, when not doing ab work, still sqeeze your abs. Like if you do tricep kickbacks or bicep curls whatever, sqeeze your abs and keep em tight. Trust me, it works!!
Sure, I'd love to start a check in w/ you! What do you have in mind?
Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry with your girlfriends.
-Laurie Kuslansky-