<--drags into thread yawning
<--really is over sleeping with the toddler, but is too tired to implement stricter bedtime rituals...

<--enjoyed Shelley's other thread about the dessert island.
<--wonders what Shelley would take?
<--Waves to Melissa
<--Also was glad to see the Saints spank the Colts
<--was a tad disappointed in the commercials and the half-time show though.
<--the Who? Really?
<--Is glad Liann had help shoveling. (Be careful, mama!!)
<--Hopes she enjoys the weekend wedding stuff!
<--is glad Evily had a splendid weekend
<--says she can send some snow down this way

<--just got some meaningless flurries this weekend that didn't stick

<--thinks that if this cold weather can't produce another suitable snowfall, spring can begin
<--Needs to clean this cluttered house today
<--Must first find energy and motivation
<--thinks <--will have to dust off the coffee pot

<--Hopes you all have a wonderful Monday
<--is aware that "wonderful Monday" is an oxymoron