Help with my cathe tapes


Active Member
Hi. I have Muscle max and Pyramid upper body and Pyramid Lower body. I am in the process of losing weight and I am wondering which one I should use. Please help me with a rotation. I am currently speed walking and plan to eventually start running. Thanks.:)
Do you have any cardio DVDs? Please remember to clean up your diet, and also add a couple of abs workouts.

You may want to try somthing like this:

1. PUB and abs
2. Walk/Run
3. PLB and abs
4. Walk/Run
5. MM
6. Walk/Run

Eat 5 to 6 small meals a day, each on containing, a protein, complex carbs, and a little of the good fats. The good fats are olive oil, flax seed oil, etc.
Thank you. No, I don't have any cardio videos. I think when I have some more money I will buy some of Cathe's.:)
I would suggest the same rotation as Logos, however don't do abs with PUB because it has a very tough ab segment already.

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