Help with lunges


Hi Cathe,

I am a beginner/intermediate exerciser and just starting
your weight work with PUB and PLB. I love them! But I
have trouble with lunges. I wobble and I can't get down
very low and I struggle to keep my torso upright. x( I
don't want to add weight until I have better form. Is
there a way to work up to them, to do a "beginner" type
then an "intermediate" type then a full lunge?

For leg presses I use a 6" step, a 10" step, and a 14", but
for squats I have (over 10 months) built up my muscles so
I can use 0, 10 lb., 20 lb.; so I know it is possible.

If anyone besides Cathe has ideas, I'd love to hear them! :)

Thanks, Mary
Lunges are tough because they really call on your balance. First, make sure your legs are wide enough apart. When you step forward or back into the lunge, make sure you don't step closer to the center of your body. You might want to start with static lunges, which will keep you in the same position throughout the move, and remove the balance challenge of repositioning with each rep.

To work up to doing full lunges, use a chair for balance, keeping it on the side of your body that is remaining stable. Use the chair as needed (and only then)touching it with your hand as lightly as possible, to try to make your legs do most of the work. Work up to not using the chair.

When you begin to add weights, you might try different positions of the weights to see what works best for you. You can hold dumbbells at your sides or at your shoulders. Be sure to keep your shoulders back and down and your chest up and avoid rounding your shoulders.

You could also hold dumbbells at your waist.
Hi Mary,

Kathryn had some great suggestions, but I just wanted to add one thing that I thought of. I don't know if you have BodyMax, but I recall that in that video she shows 2 options with lunges. She does lunges on the floor, and she has two participants doing a lunge onto the step. She says that the floor option is more advanced and the step option is less advanced. Just something to consider as you make progress with lunges! They are difficult to master, and I am still working on my form after 4 years of doing Cathe! Good luck! Sandra
Hi Mary

You could try using no weights and a body bar or broom stick for support until you feel strong enough to go without. Soon you should be able to do them with out the support and then you can slowly add weight.

Just a thought, good luck.

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