Help with Binging...


New Member
I have succeeded in losing a large amount of weight, and give most of the credit to exercise. I love to work out, but also love to eat. I do well for a while with eating correctly, but I struggle with binging. I binge when Im stessed, or bored, or upset. it is usually on junk food such as cookies/candy and/or fast food. It is hard to understand how to get this problem under control. Can someone offer any suggestions as far as books or web sites or just even some tips on overcoming it. thanks for any help.
I would start with clearing all the junk food out of the house - if you don't buy it in, it can't tempt you. Do your food shopping on a FULL stomach, so your not tempted to fill the trolley up with 'empty' calories.
If you are upset, then clean the house, preferably with music on LOUD, and sing your head off.
Find something to do to releive boredom, go down to the library, and hire out some romantic novels, go to bed earlier, pamper your feet with a pedicure, and pamper the nails on your hands, too.
Give your body a beauty overhaul, exfoliate with a body scrub, moisturise and self tan, this will take an hour out of your day.
Start a journal, as well as your food journal, and write feelings, positive things down in this journal, nothing negative :)

Phew, hope this has been of some use. I am sure there will be others here that will have much better suggestions than me.

Good Luck luv4fitness

Anna :)
Congratulations on your weight loss, and although I don't know of any books to suggest, there is a website with a forum for those trying to overcome eating disorders. At I've seen several posts on bingeing and it seems there is a support group there for those that need a check in or daily advice, etc.
But the site is free and I'm sure you can get further info on books, etc. from there.
So again, the site is

Hope it helps,


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
I think there is a book called Overcoming Binge Eating that kind of gives a step by step process to stop or decrease binging. I got this book from the library years ago. I haven't seen the diettalk that Donna suggested, but will look into it (I struggle with the same problem). Also, has a forum for different eating disorders. Geneen Roth has some interesting books also.

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