Help with Beginner rotation


Hi everyone! I started the beginner rotation today, but I'm confused about the add on portion from Body Fusion and Basic Step. It says to do the "hand weight" add on or the "tubing" add on for the upper and lower body. Does this mean you would use the mix and match option to select only those segments and not complete the entire 20 minute workout during the three month cycle? Thanks for your help!

Hi there :)

I'm on week 5 (almost week 6) of the beginner rotation. Ill share my experiences...

Re: tubing & hand weights. I think this can be interpreted in a few ways: 1) mix and match like you said above. 2) do the 20 min, but only use the resistance described (ie: no weights during the weight section, only use the tubing during the tubing section, or vice versa) and 3) just do the 20 min w/ weights and tubing, as much as you can.

I just did the weights and tubing both, and did the whole 20 minutes. I did this for the first 2 weeks.

Week 3 I realized I did not like the lower body add on, so I subbed it w/ a low body premix from LIS Trisets. You can do a simple swap like this too, the rotation will still work. Some probably prefer to stick to rotations as closely as possible (meaning if they have the DVD, they don't sub even if they don't like it) but I asked and got the answer that yes, it's ok to sub if you want.

Let me know if you have any more questions about the beginner rotation! Good luck! BTW, are you on week 1?
Basic Step + Lower Body Hand Weights


I am currently finishing the beginner rotation while slowly transitioning to the intermediate rotation.

For Basic Step + Lower Body Hand Weights, I do the entire 30 minute Basic Step video. Then I do the Lower Body portion of the Total Muscle Sculpt dvd with a medium weight tubing.

I know Cathe's medium tubing has to be longer than my tubing because my legs are burning as I type this message. I was releasing the tension on several exercises.:eek:

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