help which tape to purchase


New Member

This is my first time on this site. I would like your advise on which program would be good for me. Let me tell you something about my problem, It seems I gain muscle quickly, I am currently exercising 5 times a week circut training almost 60min.,step and weights lite 5 lbs heavy 10 lbs. Instead of losing inches in my legs I seem to be gaining in my thigh area and waist. Can you please help me choose the correct program so I can loose weight and inches in my thigh leg and waist area. I do eat healthy and watch my fat intake.

Thank You in advance,
Hi Jan and welcome to the Cathe forums!!

I of course am not Cathe, but I saw that she did not have a chance to answer, so I am.

To address your "problem". Gaining muscle quickly is NOT a problem, it is in fact a blessing if that is what is happening. However, 10lb weights are not "heavy". I see that you are circuit training which makes lowering the weights acceptable, but you are doing it too often. You can throw circuit training in once, twice per week, but it should not be 5 days per week. Working the same muscles that often is not good and if you can do it, then you weights are not heavy enough to be producing a change or growing.

I suggest you do two total body workouts per week, three if you are advanced and your body can take it, meaning no residual soreness. On the other days you can put in purely cardio. I would lift HEAVY weights via Pyramid Upper or Lower or PS on two of the workouts and then do your ciruit on the third.

If you have some of Cathe's tapes thus far, I can help you in designing your own rotation with the tapes that you have if you would like. Can you also tell me about your actual weight and height?

Newbies are always dismayed by their legs actually getting bigger at first. Think about it. If you are gaining muscle at a faster rate than you are losing fat ( which is kinda what you want at first) you will appear bigger at first. Then, as the metabolic advantage of all that added muscle starts to kick in, you will see the fat decreasing assuming you are eating well and in a negetive calorie balance. Putting on muscle mass initially, especially if you are a beginner is great, even if that means you gain a little fat with it. Soon, your performance levels will skyrocket and you will be able to burn more total calories during your exercise sessions, therefore losing more fat assuming diet is in check!!

I hope I have helped you some, and please do reply if you see fit. Thanks and Good Luck!!
One thing that often helps people when they hit a plateau is to vary your routine some since your body and muscles will adapt if you always do the same routine. Maybe try a kickboxing cardio workout, instead of step, or even running. Look for something that's different and new but looks like something you will still enjoy (because its not worth it to buy a new video that's just going to sit on your self). Also for lifting you should only do it every other day(this includes ab and core work too), unless you break it up into upper body one day and lower body the next, so your body can repair itself and get stronger. You can also vary your lifting maybe some days do light weight high reps for muscle endurance then go to a heavier weight on other days for strength. You usually will get slightly larger from muscle initially - if its more then a little bit though you may need to re-evaluate your diet. You mentioned you eat a low fat diet, but are you also looking at calories or just fat. Because all calories, fat, protein, or carbs, get converted to fat if excess is consumed. Too little calories can also actually cause you to gain weight by lowerig your metabolism. How many calories would you say you eat in a typical day? I hope some of these ideas might help. :)

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