HELP!! What to do with all this water retention.....


Active Member
I am 35 weeks pregnant with my 4th and I am having major water retention. I cannot wear my rings or my watch, and I just tried to put on my tennis shoes and they are way to tight. My doctor just said to drink lots of water and keep my feet up as much as possible(yeah right!!). He does not think I look that swollen....which really make me mad!! But when my hubby and friends look at me, they definately can tell how swollen I am. My doctor is not concerned about pre-eclamsia or anything because everything else looks so good. I would love to hear what you did about water retention. I have to admit that working out has been a hit or miss lately. Please help me:) Jen
RE: HELP!! What to do with all this water retention......

Not much help, but I'm dealing with the same thing and I am only at 30 weeks. It helps a bit to stay cool, and I put a footstool under my desk at work. Hang in there! You are almost there....
I am 39 weeks and 3 days (but, who's counting? ;)) and I am going through the same thing. My face & "cankles" looks really puffy, but, only my friends and family can tell. Unfortunately, I have not found anything to help, but, wanted to let you know that you are not alone. I talked to my doctor about it because it started happening to me about 36 weeks and she said it is normal for this time of year (heat) and the later stages of pregnancy.
Hang in there! You don't have much longer! :)
RE: HELP!! What to do with all this water retention......

Hi Jen,

Can you get to a pool? The water is a great way of helping you deal with water retention. The pressure of the water actually pushes the fluid back out of the tissues and into your vascular system so that it can be excreted (i.e. you have to pee!) I have used this advice with many of my clients who are too swollen to fit into their aerobic shoes.

Hope this helps! Please let me know and good luck.


Sheila S. Watkins, MLSci.
Founder and National Program Director
Healthy Moms(R) Fitness and
RE: HELP!! What to do with all this water retention......

Thanks for all your replies...

Shiela, Yes I do have access to a pool, we usually go 3-4x a week but I hardly ever get in. However, I will make a point to get in from now on!! Thanks, Jen
RE: HELP!! What to do with all this water retention......

No advice, but I can totally sympathize:-( By the end of pregnancy, my toes and fingers look like little sausages. It goes away fairly soon after birth and I always trip on how skinny my feet look:p

hang in there!

I had it too! It is tough, esp in summer. Drink lots! It goes away soooo quickly after birth!! You will lose a lot of weight quite quickly in the weeks after delivery. If that is any encouragement.


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